nostr relay proxy

I’ve always been a stoic myself
Love it 🔥👀
Workin on somethin and I'm curious if anyone know of, or has feedback for, a NOSTR based research ecosystem? I've worked in and know a lot of people in academia getting fucked by every angle (university obligations/IP restrictions, pay-to-publish funding from shady priviate/public institutions, who-you-know gatekeeping for publishing) and I think there's a potential for a NOSTR ecosystem to help with this. Here's a distillation of what I'm thinking (using AI to help me distill my thoughts): I. Overview This ecosystem leverages the NOSTR protocol and Bitcoin's Lightning Network to create a decentralized, transparent, and efficient marketplace for academic research. It encompasses the entire research lifecycle from proposal to citation, integrating funding, collaboration, peer review, and reputation management. II. Key Stakeholders A. Researchers - Role: Propose, conduct, and publish research; collaborate with peers - Interactions: Submit research plans, seek funding, conduct peer reviews, collaborate on projects, publish findings, cite other work - Benefits: Direct access to funding, broader collaboration opportunities, reputation building, immediate rewards for impactful work B. Funders - Role: Provide financial support for research projects - Interactions: Review research proposals, contribute funds via Lightning Network - Benefits: Direct influence on research directions, potential returns (financial or knowledge) from successful projects C. Peer Reviewers - Role: Evaluate research proposals and publications - Interactions: Review submitted plans and papers, provide feedback, influence funding decisions - Benefits: Contribute to research quality, build reputation, potential compensation for reviews III. Key Mechanisms A. Cryptographic Linking 1. Research Plans: - Hashed and stored on NOSTR, creating an immutable record - Linked to researcher's identity and reputation 2. Funding: - Each contribution cryptographically linked to the research plan - Creates transparent, verifiable funding trail 3. Peer Review: - Reviews linked to both the reviewer and the research plan/publication - Ensures accountability and builds reviewer reputation 4. Citations: - Each citation event cryptographically linked to both citing and cited works - Enables automatic tracking of research impact and facilitates micropayments B. Lightning Network Payment Flow 1. Funding Stage: - Funders send BTC to researchers via Lightning Network - Payments linked to specific research plans 2. Collaboration Payments: - Automated distribution of funds among collaborators based on predefined terms 3. Citation Micropayments: - Small payments automatically sent to cited researchers upon publication - Creates direct financial incentive for impactful research C. NOSTR Protocol Facilitation 1. Data Storage and Retrieval: - Research plans, publications, reviews stored as NOSTR events - Ensures data persistence and easy retrieval 2. Identity Management: - Researchers, funders, and reviewers have persistent identities on NOSTR - Enables reputation building and accountability 3. Real-time Updates: - New publications, citations, and funding events propagated in real-time - Keeps all participants updated on ecosystem activities 4. Decentralized Architecture: - No central authority controlling the flow of information or funds - Resistant to censorship and single points of failure IV. System Flow 1. Research Proposal: - Researcher publishes a plan on NOSTR - Plan includes detailed methodology and funding requirements 2. Peer Review of Proposal: - Qualified peers review the proposal - Reviews are linked to both reviewer and proposal 3. Crowdfunding: - Approved proposals open for funding - Funders contribute via Lightning Network 4. Research and Collaboration: - Funded researchers conduct work, potentially collaborating with others - Progress updates published on NOSTR 5. Publication: - Completed research published on NOSTR - Linked to original proposal, funding, and collaboration data 6. Citation and Impact: - Other researchers cite the work - Each citation triggers micropayment and updates reputation scores 7. Continuous Reputation Update: - All actions (proposing, funding, reviewing, publishing, citing) update reputations - Reputation scores influence future interactions in the ecosystem V. Key Advantages 1. Transparency: All actions and interactions are public and verifiable 2. Efficiency: Automated payments and reputation updates reduce administrative overhead 3. Meritocracy: Reputation-based system rewards quality contributions 4. Global Collaboration: Reduces barriers to international and cross-institutional collaboration 5. Rapid Dissemination: Real-time updates accelerate the spread of new knowledge 6. Financial Sustainability: Direct rewards for impactful work can provide ongoing funding for researchers VI. Challenges and Considerations 1. Technical Barriers: Requires familiarity with cryptocurrency and decentralized systems 2. Regulatory Compliance: Need to navigate varying international laws on cryptocurrency and research funding 3. Quality Control: Maintaining high standards without traditional institutional oversight 4. Privacy Concerns: Balancing transparency with necessary confidentiality in sensitive research areas 5. Volatility: Cryptocurrency price fluctuations could affect funding stability 6. Adoption: Overcoming inertia of traditional academic systems and practices All in all, I think there's something here but it's just an idea seed at the moment. Curious what you think #nostr. Tags for vis, #bitcoin #asknostr
{"id":"621a08be820d2e5d0673c6a214be1b7816d1ba9b1b71b173d43bf57e1a5a1aa8","pubkey":"1afe0c74e3d7784eba93a5e3fa554a6eeb01928d12739ae8ba4832786808e36d","created_at":1728912159,"kind":1,"tags":[],"content":"Before I started my company the people closest to me told me it was never going to work and I should go to law school.\n\nI started it anyway. It was successful.\n\nWhen I first bought bitcoin everyone laughed at me. \n\nI bought more. No one laughs anymore.\n\nWhen I got married my father in law told me I was being too aggressive saving money and I needed to lighten up and enjoy life or the marriage wasn’t going to work. \n\nHe got divorced 2 years later, I am still happily married. \n\nAfter the birth of my second child, my wife had a serious complication and the doctor told us we’d never have more kids. \n\nWe had two more. The same doctor delivered them.\n\nThe things other people say/believe are almost always about themselves and their own hang ups and insecurities. You can safely ignore them.","sig":"21543f925cceb2a71aad6e0dedf9011081d272ff2374d5d6298ab520b1e45ca90f490ead6aab4d6e1b4698ccd6a2aacab75491b0c31257aff646b06a1c06fd10"}
{"content":"Just for reference, this isn't perfectly accurate because i can't find exact measurements of the booster only, but the entire starship is a little over 400ft. \n\nThis makes the Statue of Liberty a tad taller than the booster alone from what it looks like, but this should give some references to try to picture the scale of what just happened and why this is a big deal.\n\nThis is the rocket that they expect to be able to potentially take humans (back? 🤔) to the moon and further, and it just launched into space, returned on its own, and was firmly and safely placed back to the exact same position where it will take off from for its next mission. 🤯\n\n\n\nThis is where you can see the workers in comparison...\n\n\n\n\n\nnostr:note14jtqn8a48r24vg6g794rpntvavc87lkfd0vf6y3q0u0298qzz35qw0hc60 ","created_at":1728840444,"id":"e38c26186a3eaa41470944dc184281c79a6c81e3440fac1cbbbc0bda46b9dc18","kind":1,"pubkey":"b9e76546ba06456ed301d9e52bc49fa48e70a6bf2282be7a1ae72947612023dc","sig":"0196c536bb570783243a51e1cf6a6cda4bcf61bc7d9571c20e22c76f9643b621bad180309d897ab475692191381eb964d8a494fc5b296829a7f26f45a06f8393","tags":[["e","ac96099fb538d5562348f16a30cd6ceb307f7ec96bd89d12207f1ea29c021468","wss://","mention"]]}
Buy an ETF Buy a Company Buy access to the foundational protocol that all value will be build upon There is only one Sovereign choice #Bitcoin in Self Custody
What kind of other problems are we talking here?
Indeed. I just came back to it after reading all nostr:npub1lxktpvp5cnq3wl5ctu2x88e30mc0ahh8v47qvzc5dmneqqjrzlkqpm5xlc guides I could find. I even surprised myself! Ended up with a nice little LND node to self-host my nostr:npub1getal6ykt05fsz5nqu4uld09nfj3y3qxmv8crys4aeut53unfvlqr80nfm Also setup a Core Lightning node to generate a Bolt-12 offer and see how that works. Love improving skills!
Before I bought my first Bitcoin, the 58k gang told me it would never break 58k, said I was wasting my time. I bought anyway. It hit 63k. When it dropped back to 58k, they laughed again. I bought more. It went to 64k. Silence. The 58k gang warned me that holding past 63k was reckless, said I'd regret it. We hit 65k. No regrets. The opinions of the 58k gang are just reflections of their own self-imposed price ceilings. You can safely ignore them.
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{"pubkey":"f8e6c64342f1e052480630e27e1016dce35fc3a614e60434fef4aa2503328ca9","id":"066cca23347d69a6f270a151536a7741e833577640a1d51520849d1a9aa205b5","created_at":1728867742,"sig":"f33e00f0b486314e0402ed3c96fb2e977a00bd5d4bb032d51cf80c9357112b9fb18255f5d7e29af31d82f6b6dd9970a3f1beedbe28be239c77b60c5bf0b4af6c","kind":1,"content":"Unfortunately this is a perfect example of why I don’t “welcome zap” new users any more.\n\nhttps:\/\/\/LVQv.jpg","tags":[]}
{"content":"Unfortunately this is a perfect example of why I don’t “welcome zap” new users any more.\n\n","created_at":1728867742,"id":"066cca23347d69a6f270a151536a7741e833577640a1d51520849d1a9aa205b5","kind":1,"pubkey":"f8e6c64342f1e052480630e27e1016dce35fc3a614e60434fef4aa2503328ca9","sig":"f33e00f0b486314e0402ed3c96fb2e977a00bd5d4bb032d51cf80c9357112b9fb18255f5d7e29af31d82f6b6dd9970a3f1beedbe28be239c77b60c5bf0b4af6c","tags":[]}
All these years of stacking under 100k has been such a blessing for those who have studied #bitcoin
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson on #Bitcoin
I’m reading Marcus Aurelius and your post reminds me of an entry of his. He recognizes each day that he will meet with the busybody, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. And he recognizes that all of these things happen to them because of their ignorance. It helps him not feel animosity toward them or offense from them. But also, to your point, why would he ever take guidance from them. They are projecting from their own viewpoints and see life through their own lens. At a certain point, putting their advice above your own self guidance is disrespect to your life experience and the time you have invested in your knowledge and your own analysis of the world as it occurs around you. Good for you, to stand on your own two feet and to own the outcome of your life.

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