Dear Damus Notedeck Developers,
1.) If you only intend for Notedeck to be for Debian based distributions then you severely limit your potential new user base.
A vast majority of Linux users hate Debian based distros. So maybe if you are lucky you are appealing to 20% of the Linux family tree if that. I am pretty pissed that I have to use a Debian based distro just to try out Notedeck.
2.) During the build process I noticed that Notedeck may be Wayland specific, but please correct me on that if I am wrong. Not all desktop environments and window managers use Wayland. Which would explain why when I tried to build it. It did work on a Debian based distro using x11. All I got was a blank screen and nothing else. If it is Wayland specific change the GitHub docs to reflect that requirement so Linux users do not waste hours of their time like I have.
3.) Make this way easier for all Linux users on any distribution by making Notedeck available on as a Flatpak now. Does not matter if you are in Alpha. You will get an influx of Linux users overnight and have access to a lot of new experienced developers. Who will instantly start contributing code and zapping sats to fund the project to speed everything up.
You could also go the Appimage route too. Flatpaks are just better in my IMHO, but you do you. Here are some links to get you started. At most this would take you 1-4 hours worth of work.
As of right now this Bespoke Memetic Artwork is depicting my experience trying to get Notedeck up and running on Linux. Which is now around the 10 hour mark and probably by 5th attempt. All I would love to see is for installing Notedeck be a graceful process. Not a painful one like pulling my teeth out with a pair of pliers like it is now.