nostr relay proxy

⚡️ nostr:nevent1qgszpxr0hql8whvk6xyv5hya7yxwd4snur4hu4mg5rctz2ehekkzrvcqypqgeqnuga5jvzkwnx0xrztqh3sa4dc29llsyp59x4ueatg743qv25d396j
⚡️ nostr:nevent1qgszpxr0hql8whvk6xyv5hya7yxwd4snur4hu4mg5rctz2ehekkzrvcqypqgeqnuga5jvzkwnx0xrztqh3sa4dc29llsyp59x4ueatg743qv25d396j
{"created_at":1727662247,"kind":1,"pubkey":"d679b0f4c94843077301c920480c9d2f2d12c9fa6d10352e134eb1c08229ac9a","sig":"7d1138139cffcc8e407680e8a5e2423c1942ccbce42fc77c6566e5f7d021ab9698153722ee02175f382d9c0a59a7cb8f0ccd37f80c4734606a5cd3e08ea983c6","tags":[["t","nostr"]],"content":"I had always thought she was Armenian. Always learn from #nostr !\n\nnostr:note1yq367q77uj8n89v2uzcme94q4cd465u3g9e98jl2myyemacswh2q27xd0e","id":"5ec20d1a8c8d6f297136da5bf554c5f15e7779fc196178e406cd2103cad6253a"}
I just left the POST and removed all of the WSS code, since I only need to post from the workers. If you are interested, I can invite you to the repo (I kept it private so I don’t expose account id)
I just left the POST and removed all of the WSS code, since I only need to post from the workers. If you are interested, I can invite you to the repo (I kept it private so I don’t expose account id)
I just left the POST and removed all of the WSS code, since I only need to post from the workers. If you are interested, I can invite you to the repo (I kept it private so I don’t expose account id)
Thinking about sharing excerpts from my book on #nostr … not because I’m a prolific writer who has points to make but because after answering my CPA’s questions and looking at the cost analysis something’s gotta give 🤦🏽‍♀️ I love my people and I’m seriously interested in tryna help folks and start meaningful conversations but folks pussy outta talking bout race and money so random posts without context on #nostr will have to suffice 😂 #thoughtstr #stackharder
An AI assistant in an office would be much more helpful if it worked like a person. 1 person. For example I get an update from a client. I tell the AI that client X want to meet on this day. Rather than each person in a company has their own assistant, it would be amazing if it was everyone's assistant. So if someone else asks it, when does client X wants to meet, it will respond with Tkay told me client X wants to meet on day/time. This central AI will become a data dump. instead of me telling everyone involved. I can just tell the AI. instead of asking people what's the latest, I can just ask the AI.
Thank you Willy!
Thank you Willy!
Ugh, hope you feel better soon 🫂
get more based girlfriends haha. Thank you!!
get more based girlfriends haha. Thank you!!
Committes and UN groups are pointless things. All that matters is the General Assembly and (unfortunately) the Security Council. The rest of the UN is woke socialists trying to make one world government.
Committes and UN groups are pointless things. All that matters is the General Assembly and (unfortunately) the Security Council. The rest of the UN is woke socialists trying to make one world government.
Committes and UN groups are pointless things. All that matters is the General Assembly and (unfortunately) the Security Council. The rest of the UN is woke socialists trying to make one world government.
Sir! 🫡
Sir! 🫡
Sir! 🫡
i also enjoy thin sheets of formerly precious metals fashioned into an attractive chapeaux. plus if im honest, im engaging in a bit of “inflooencerism” by wanting his recognition. so nix that, and carry on.
i also enjoy thin sheets of formerly precious metals fashioned into an attractive chapeaux. plus if im honest, im engaging in a bit of “inflooencerism” by wanting his recognition. so nix that, and carry on.

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