nostr relay proxy

george carlin turned this thought into one of the best comedy specials ever made. You are right. You will not be liked for it. Ayn Rand wasn't liked for saying this either, but its true...
You are in for a treat. Best series of all time imo. Written and directed by a former Baltimore Sun crime writer and former homicide detective. Lot of the stories in the show are based on real events. I’m going to rewatch the series now too 🫡
It was close, but I survived the glitter gun and nipple tassles…..we sleep beneath the stars tonight.
"If everything in the world is meaningless, what's stopping us from inventing meaning?" What if that's why we're here? #Bitcoin #Nostr #Blockchain #Nostrchain #Cofeechain #Asknostr
Good morning 🌄 #nostr "Buy the truth and do not sell it ..." - Proverbs 23:23 Yesterday, my family and I watched the movie God Bless Bitcoin. It's one of the most professionally made #Bitcoin films out there, not necessarily aimed at seasoned or OG Bitcoiners, but perfect for introducing the concept to someone new or relating it with higher consciousness. The movie offers a warm and a pleasant experience, reminding us that there's light and truth in the world and that Bitcoin is already there - for everyone's prosperity. I feel motivated 💪 Highly recommend watching it if you haven't already! #plebchain #teachain #gm
Laut diesem Bericht hat die Vernichtung von überschüssigem Strom am 27. September 2024 in Deutschland Kosten von 100 Millionen Euro verursacht! Hauptsächlich in Schleswig-Holstein wurden 137.000 Megawattstunden (MWh) mehr Strom produziert, als abgenommen werden konnte, obwohl theoretisch 444 Anlagen zur Stromerzeugung zur Verfügung standen. Ein zentrales Problem ist die doppelte finanzielle Belastung: Einerseits fallen Kosten für die Abregelung und Entsorgung des überschüssigen Stroms an. Andererseits erhalten Betreiber von Anlagen weiterhin feste Einspeisevergütungen, unabhängig davon, ob der erzeugte Strom tatsächlich benötigt wird. Diese Diskrepanz zwischen Produktion und Verbrauch führt zu einer unnötigen Verschwendung von Steuergeldern und verschärft das Defizit im Energiekonto! Quelle: Mit anderen Worten: Keine nachhaltige Energiewende ohne #Bitcoin - jeder der anderes behauptet hat nicht verstanden wie ein Stromnetz mit erneuerbarer Energie funktioniert!
kill them all. Burn the boats.
Photo developers were the original victims of unsolicited dick pics -moralanarchy, Jun 2016
Don't forget LXMF
GM ☕️ #bitcoin bubble 🫧 Have a nice weekend freedom frens.
#meme #memestr #nostrmeme #bitcoin
Been thinking about Truth (and my reaction in its absence)… Autists, we’re a bit high intensity in our relationship with the truth. It is a central theme of our behavior. At the opposite end we find the people commonly labeled as narcissists. The absence of Truth is the central theme of their behavior. Autism is maybe a reaction. Nature doing its thing trying to bring back a balance. In a narcissistic world (the world we live in) autism is an antidote. Wanna drive an autist mad? Force the autist to interact with narcissists. Wanna drive a narcissistic anxious? Have the narcissist interact with a bunch of autists.
you have to become obsessed with the idea/vision in your head.
よかったです! そして Zap ありがとうございます☺️
📢 Help support Bitcoin Chama's classroom renovation! 🛠Your contribution will bring education to the community. Donate through Geyser and follow the updates on X! @npub1jg5kze87k8svw0kuuwr797jxekccptsdrwzgl32zc70h3nkxmsjqkl6v9r
GM Without government - who would block the rescue supplies? Burn it the fuck down.
FWIW, I havent seen any FEMA photo ops. Not even someone from the whitehouse throwing rolls of paper towels. All action on the ground aiding people suffering is coming from fellow Americans, not the government. nostr:nevent1qqsra74h5g6l9ugdexytv9727wp2j2xfp9wj5mq53vpndq4ucx4q06qpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygqq6eq9wy40hud20d7lr0pesg0xv6trt98wjzyrl70keus4wz63qcpsgqqqqqqshtufmq
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できました! ありがとうございます。
who doesnt?
懐かしすぎて(2m 内にある棚を探せばCDあるのに)音源買ってしまった。

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