nostr relay proxy

Why donโ€™t #Bitcoin miners ever get lost? Because they always follow the blockchain!
LOVE THIS ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ I picked that size bc of the meme as well as donโ€™t wanna go too crazy I need space for other tats hahaah
I wonder if Hillary knows about Nostr. Loss of control is coming for them sooner than they think.
There is both a fan created Cascadia Cup which while not endorsed by the league is a real thing. The teams and fans care about it. And yes there is a regionalist movement which some people advocate for independence from Canada and the US. Itโ€™s got a flag and adherents. The polling for it is surprisingly strong, between 30% and 50% as a theoretical question, but there is no actual real proposal. If it came down to it who knows what the vote would be. That said nobody thought brexit would pass. I donโ€™t think Cascadian independence is likely or a serious movement the way Scottish or Catalan independence movements are. Plus the region would have a lot of the same political polarization that exists in the US, except the power would be more strongly held in the cities which would cause resentment and opposition from rural conservatives. So meh. Itโ€™s exceedingly unlikely anything would happen.
#brasil #bitcoin
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If you can, yes! Otherwise sell your fiat for #bitcoin !!!
I just asked Chat GPT about #Bitcoin Up-tober and boy, strap in, itโ€™s for real. Mid-month rally incoming. LFG ๐Ÿš€
this is what it feels like honestly ๐Ÿ’€
Ingredient list for a BigMac. That โ€œ100%โ€ beef is riddled with growth hormones, vaccinations and antibiotics and other untold horrors. Fast food is poison. Itโ€™s made the average person a complete disgrace to our original species. Reject it at all costs. The State is therefore the embodiment of institutionalized violence, whose primary function is to ensure a transfer of wealth not individually consented Ludovic Lars #famas #tourdefrancebitcoin #bitcoin #nostrfr #streetcybercrew #photography
Some would call it metamodernsm. Some ideas along the train of thought, asking: "what kind of spiritual and religious values should we take since modernism has essentially tried to explain away and make insignificant the traditional notions of religion and spirituality?"
#Bitcoin is like finding an old gift card in your drawerโ€”youโ€™re not sure if itโ€™s worth a fortune or just enough to buy a cup of coffee, but either way, you feel weirdly accomplished.
#Bitcoin is the flame of liberty, flickering in the digital age, a beacon of freedom that transcends borders and bends to no master.
Stacked 63,000 sats today. #hodl #bitcoin
Rent free is nice. Youโ€™ll save some sats.
In this universe, it is much easier to encrypt information, much easier than someone watching from the outside. The universe fundamentally favours privacy :- Julian Assange #btc #bitcoin #nostr #zap
That's where you're wrong. People don't derive the value of their eggs by using paper with numbers on it. People derive the value of eggs by determining they want to eat them and what they can give in exchange for that want. Value is subjective. Value is not derived from fiat.

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