nostr relay proxy

/run rb $><<('%1$s%2$s'*2+'の%3$sー%4$sー')%%w[ア ツ コ ヒ].shuffle
/run rb $><<('%1$s%2$s'*2+'の%3$sー%4$sー')%%w[ア ツ コ ヒ].shuffle
Free protein
Free protein
Yesterday I was having a salad for dinner and I saw a green caterpillar climb out of my arugula. Don’t know how I feel about that …
For fun, I follow various FIRE subreddits where a #Bitcoin allocation of >1% is the spawn of Satan. While they are collecting crumbs in front of a train with their All World ETF and 7% return YoY, the solution to their problem is so close and yet they can’t see it.
And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” - Job 1:21
And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” - Job 1:21
Holy shit look at all these people that liked my post, nope forgot im still logged in as jack mallers
Having a deep fryer that big is so America, but I would like to try it
Having a deep fryer that big is so America, but I would like to try it
I shall be there
I shall be there
$66,450.01 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱3,816,556.81 🟢 0.45% ≅ ₱16,926.28
$66,450.01 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱3,816,556.81 🟢 0.45% ≅ ₱16,926.28
Eventually all roads lead down to #Bitcoin. Had a conversation earlier about how fucked health care and food is with a loved one, and the while it wasn’t necessarily new info for me it certainly was for them. The main takeaway for them was fiat money creates incentives for others to keep people in high positions in power, and what’s probably beneficial to the supermarket, doctors, etc isn’t even remotely beneficial or healthy to us.
Eventually all roads lead down to #Bitcoin. Had a conversation earlier about how fucked health care and food is with a loved one, and the while it wasn’t necessarily new info for me it certainly was for them. The main takeaway for them was fiat money creates incentives for others to keep people in high positions in power, and what’s probably beneficial to the supermarket, doctors, etc isn’t even remotely beneficial or healthy to us.
The problem is when decentralization is wrong and the culture needs to be corrected. For example, the paganism of the American Indians before the arrival of the Gospel.
The problem is when decentralization is wrong and the culture needs to be corrected. For example, the paganism of the American Indians before the arrival of the Gospel.

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