nostr relay proxy

Hey mine is still working… is it cos my mint is minibits?
Day One
All the best!
More to come!
NoGood Radio 👇 nostr:naddr1qqjxxdt9vd3kvdpc95uxxce5956x2dty95ukxd3k94nxzvfcvejxxvpcvejxyq3qeaz6dwsnvwkha5sn5puwwyxjgy26uusundrm684lg3vw4ma5c2jsxpqqqpmxwqgcwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8xmn0wf6zuum0vd5kzmqpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xzmnyf052wu
🫂 I enjoyed using it. Thanks for your contributions. Hope all will be well with you 🙏🏾 Jesus is Lord
GM 🇹🇿
Imagine the smell. #coffeechain ⚡️☕️
98k is the new 58k
Thank you Gigi. Hope it's the same for you! Life brought us physically in Switzerland and we're ecstatic about it and existentially had continued to make us growth and growth... Which is great and so challenging! But today it's all about celebration
Thank you Gigi. Hope it's the same for you! Life brought us physically in Switzerland and we're ecstatic about it and existentially had continued to make us growth and growth... Which is great and so challenging! But today it's all about celebration
nostr:npub1e2wk36e9vg8uw40phrrkkhc4tax8a9ken3fjcyy63vmdyz9aee2sk9el27 living legend
Yes, I'm a "I don't care about the #bitcoin price" kinda person. Still, I've always wondered where I would be once BTC would have reached 100k. It's a symbol & I'm fully embracing this milestone. All to say, HAPPY 100k to everyone I met along the way. It's an honour and a blessing. Ad maiora!
Yes, I'm a "I don't care about the #bitcoin price" kinda person. Still, I've always wondered where I would be once BTC would have reached 100k. It's a symbol & I'm fully embracing this milestone. All to say, HAPPY 100k to everyone I met along the way. It's an honour and a blessing. Ad maiora!
🟢🟢🟢 nostr:nevent1qvzqqqpxquqzqsu9xkdzzdqm9e03zrnmdz84hyk3uqfpdktafv76s3q6u32gfznt6ycum2
Yup he co produced And played it on wavform first show and that’s when I first heard it!
Just listened to the show! Awesome story! Great show! Spilts enabled for More Rogue Money. 😅🫂 Katherine’s Wheel is an amazing track, thanks for the collab!
Doing really great. 🫂
nostr:npub1hn2tyd9284u5a3h75mkemkfu6nt9y23j685646wwm34dte38c43sx7zppr see you bro
““Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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