nostr relay proxy

#Reticulum will blow up in '25 just wait 🚀 Far more versatile than meshtastic
hello , marry christmass for everyone #nostr I know is late , maybe someone still haven't got present or whatevah happen in ur life , myself im in funny moment , yeah but this table is ready to find new home , hope one of you can help #art #artstr #nostrart #craft #woodwork #2140wtf #ProofOfWork #coffee #table #bitcoin #plebchain share this piece , word and support of #FreeMarket solutions all handmade , from strech , heavyWeigth OAK wood , lots of love and patient in it , covered in epoxy and then in hard varnish to protect surface and polished like a balls of , table was exibited in #London #Bristol #Righa #PAraga #Berlin , #Lodz , and few othere unique places. stay blessed , stay humble , angels are everywhere, nostr:npub134d6jtyveg74cuuj7qun4v2m6r7x7c6ryk69z4q7pa7f43kran2sl2yggk nostr:npub1rjtrs7xqdvj3588r9njrexh2n750j7jdwx9qs543nutmdsj6ljaqpfmp8a nostr:npub13fz04jej7nktvtvg24dj926a5ctcmaw6ekp9028eux3pz3csxdrqgd77yu nostr:npub1a3um269aaf3u5cy37kuykrrrnsg2pyv7za06pxjduv25lq5sdujs2qmdj6 nostr:npub1lwsmhk9t2le9see32l006khunnk6qpxxs30enke3d8lykcd6wstqegy86j nostr:npub1papldckxytp2m8met6hyeh37m0cn6e32j03srl6thy4gq3tqrz3srq8t4n nostr:npub1h5ewqujs336m0kdez46l03jttnaqp3yrvf7evertw0ec52q3qulq4kcdg7 nostr:npub1jutptdc2m8kgjmudtws095qk2tcale0eemvp4j2xnjnl4nh6669slrf04x nostr:npub1y4cjrkerwthrfh3ffnjhke35zcqgez9hfghgm372uuw32qsua00qfdf8vs nostr:npub10wv37amdqnv8edw5yktgsxr62g8k4lqkk2u66fk6c6uwuakzssxsf4v22x nostr:npub1dtgg8yk3h23ldlm6jsy79tz723p4sun9mz62tqwxqe7c363szkzqm8up6m nostr:npub1hmqvn57wfm7qcygkt4et3qffhvdwyer9mkz0lyzjwr29438fe55s4r0s33 nostr:npub1jcjxjg92200kdp8guw8sysg8gr0ez29hahrfdy49h30hgnkpa4kqfvmtwx nostr:npub1qvv7xqpkeugn4qsa9lqjuypjttpx6gewk3gzz80mew07lgpw57sq2u5jtf nostr:npub1rr654u0pp3dm0g65dzc0v2eft5frg7gre8u4wwxsvhyyhmc5qths50eeul nostr:npub1rxysxnjkhrmqd3ey73dp9n5y5yvyzcs64acc9g0k2epcpwwyya4spvhnp8 nostr:npub1syazeldyn2yqrcsma57z8q88smayett48hg4kxh3ngm6s92hj4usvagmnw nostr:npub14wxtsrj7g2jugh70pfkzjln43vgn4p7655pgky9j9w9d75u465pqvagcye nostr:npub1ldsmj0vxfe8sawnkdwu92medcqnzar5c2qfw9xazs5yd65sx0kvqghzsk3 nostr:npub1dergggklka99wwrs92yz8wdjs952h2ux2ha2ed598ngwu9w7a6fsh9xzpc nostr:npub1q896zl4nfxa3n6uqx8crcu2s6dm2xjlug00qt5em5hgvu40q4gvsumlepq nostr:npub13kkpytvjcxsqka9pdshw3094urgh8fxwx7ru258lved9wr7f35mspal584 nostr:npub1g8ag22auywa5c5de6w9ujenpyhrrp9qq8sjzram02xldttmmwurqfd0hqk nostr:npub1w98phys0wtmzxncql6s576qu3pw3jh2z6ntwuvr987v4f4gzqm4q5pgg85 nostr:npub1pkx92m60skq9pzs90m3yqq9tvwh03xhzc0haeqqc4exjcu7l6ntsanxwks nostr:npub18cngxzyjtjw38mrcwlghmj5sdjzt4am4ezra23jlheafsjtt8duq6ld82l nostr:naddr1qvzqqqy9hvpzq04v4fmgxfkhmn5q7mhp0tdpnxltul4ncxnqkwd3fc993wavvmlyqqgrxdfc8qmnzenpxa3nyvtxvycrv2h4stn
40 hours of bitcoin podcasts is the new homeschooling. 🤣 nostr:note1kpdqtlmuust2yuudzkrhw2sj7swhpnacxjxjat4rj0y4eh7gpjjqd8ukup
{"content":"the war criminals in the Pentagon are testing out all their new murder machines in Ukraine.\n\n","created_at":1735007239,"id":"38e3ffee236de56822db0fab538394502990c04ef34327afa31c243263b2e10b","kind":1,"pubkey":"61066504617ee79387021e18c89fb79d1ddbc3e7bff19cf2298f40466f8715e9","sig":"d321727848b9ede3786b6698c0968d4614a39c470b89726bf990c0e926c0165fab374f0681a38b0ec0b268c51da98cee9d983592f4d1873ca436cec85a4ef931","tags":[["r",""]]}
It is good to learn that my choices make some sense to other people, that I am not senile yet. There are already 2 issues I want to fix: Metadata not loading for people in lists, and relay sorting by a useful score (which is fixed on unstable). But I'm spending less time online over this Christimas week so it might not be patch-released until January.
Ah what am I thinking, nostr:npub126ntw5mnermmj0znhjhgdk8lh2af72sm8qfzq48umdlnhaj9kuns3le9ll has one. Looking forward to that update that would enable port forwarding to services or whatever it will allow. I just want to be able to access mirrors of my server that I keep at other locations but all connected through tailscale/headscale so I can have geographically separated servers in trusted places to enable 100% uptime with as little third party risk as possible. I’m sure there’s holes in my logic and also ways to do this already. Who has ideas? Where can I learn more?
Calvin and Hobbes was my favorite comic growing up. We had a couple thick books of 'em
send them all my way then. you can fee like you cleverly insulted someone, and ill be one sat richer.
How does a whole group of people agree that the iPhone came out in 2001? 🤣
คนขายประกันจะเกลียดผม #ประกันชีวิต #siamstr #bitcoin #rightshift #นครสวรรค์ #แอดิเลด #Adelaide #zatoichi
If anyone can't easily become an exchange with Bitcoin or Crypto, thats a bad sign and design flaw It sucks relying on expensivecentralized exchanges, ATM's, and p2p. #bitcoin #asknoste
At the beginning of the event she got on the bike and I also took some portraits of her there: lnbc2u1pnk58zspp5g47w293ev6uckl28l3e8k4f3707da2uy8ha4fcf7z08hx4wsmj9qhp5vhezd08lg5g6l42x8ecr59prmvsacskwkzy2rvkyd04k3xrr5myscqzzsxqyz5vqsp5wlp2l2l0ewekxuvg4st0ynwvyj7l9q4ay73l8z3pe6y5exk6aq0q9p4gqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqysgqwaghfp0x5y54km5urmjn60p0uygs8mtgwz7z5qfr0t5rs9ktt7wzwjhsjegp82fmc6rwxd9mdygdc7r8cev3xmf487zxn7gzwjjrcacpgwx0al #photography #photostr
I’m going to try and join Jan 6 (for yoga)
the war criminals in the Pentagon are testing out all their new murder machines in Ukraine.
#asknostr I’m looking for site to buy an AMD cpu+gpu nuc with 32gb ram, 2-4Tb ssd, with gb Ethernet, WiFi 6, no OS needed Anyone know where to find a reliable good deal?
First I took a photo of her with her daughter and a friend: lnbc3u1pnk5xu0pp5uakyt3phz988fhmu92l66lt2nvnkew09u475r8gwtg9ymcmk425qhp5cw66mjjrwr6k7cwsms3c0d7y7ls86ggckvr4vw3ke37d08url0wscqzzsxqyz5vqsp5d5elah8rcv0xm67f8quenmjugummp6te3e0m6rwxz7jshzvh6l2q9p4gqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqysgq2j3uf6030ahfw8uqm3mwc6rhzzwrvgdgca8mkx5a7n6avmphnc7465ny23ggxpeyw9rj9pd0f6mu7gx3200hu6l5alzz8p5a59afrnspfs0nu0 #photography #photostr
WTF happened in 1971?
Spinning bike is a very popular sport in my city and a few days ago while I was at a spinning bike event I saw a friend and I went up to say hello to her, as I was taking pictures I asked her if she wanted some photos and she of course accepted, so that's how I did this quick photo shoot. lnbc3u1pnk5xekpp5dlspd3peug3uxyqsvunqe4xj94m4grr6j4evamznkgyg79503kdqhp5pp68vk4drsndzwcgd98akcm4hrnpdkzmckq8ryqvcmswhpumhuyscqzzsxqyz5vqsp565uz5fhgkzf8hv3rnrh5c72nqeml7vrdvzkymd2cw64e2xyaun6s9p4gqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqysgq33kxnwpeg48e3s59jw9xml8keq2u8fvy4n6ppvjfn8p96nkc3haj8s493hgd6pec7azley72ahna7njk8ez53lzm92vu6z4tkrayvssps0r54y #photography #photostr
Yes, the more the better. Nostriches irl are few and far between.
We are all Fozzie. 💜
$93,597.27 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱5,480,823.00 🔴 0.31% ≅ ₱16,880.59

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