nostr relay proxy

#bitcoinmemes #meme #bitcoin #memes #zap #nostr
#bitcoinmemes #meme #bitcoin #memes #zap #nostr
Why is Bitcoin called a “cryptocurrency?” Cryptocurrency is a generic term that describes a currency based on cryptography (the science of encryption). Most currencies today are backed by governments, whereas Bitcoin is backed by mathematical protocols. #mathsovermoneyprinting #mathsoveryellen #mathsoverelizabethwarrenandhergoons #garygenslersniffedwithhunteronepsteinisland #bitcoin
Why is Bitcoin called a “cryptocurrency?” Cryptocurrency is a generic term that describes a currency based on cryptography (the science of encryption). Most currencies today are backed by governments, whereas Bitcoin is backed by mathematical protocols. #mathsovermoneyprinting #mathsoveryellen #mathsoverelizabethwarrenandhergoons #garygenslersniffedwithhunteronepsteinisland #bitcoin #getcode #kin #solana #bitcoin #memes #binance #tiktok #ethereum #africa #argentina #brazil #china #elsalvador #india #indonesia #japan #nigeria #southafrica #uganda #gm #flipchat #pennypost TIP #YoPolyRobWhatUp PLEASE: 👇 #getcode #kin #solana #bitcoin #memes #binance #tiktok #ethereum #africa #argentina #brazil #china #elsalvador #india #indonesia #japan #nigeria #southafrica #uganda #gm #flipchat #pennypost TIP #YoPolyRobWhatUp PLEASE: 👇
$93,353.69 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱5,406,859.23 🔴 0.32% ≅ ₱17,333.20
$93,353.69 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱5,406,859.23 🔴 0.32% ≅ ₱17,333.20
Ultimate frisbee makes hodling #bitcoin look easy. Good write cuban.
Ultimate frisbee makes hodling #bitcoin look easy. Good write cuban.
The fiat system degrades everything. Thankfully, in time, #Bitcoin fixes this.
The fiat system degrades everything. Thankfully, in time, #Bitcoin fixes this.
Elon no quiere Mordiscos en el pozo de los Cocodrilos 🐊 #nostr #zap #bitcoin #grownostr #plebstr nostr:nevent1qqsqfy6xn5mlmlg6d06h06hgcawzqawpd6ngr90tvxket28sfwtgmwsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsfnw64j8y3zesqlpz3qlf3lx6eutmu0cy6rluq96z0r4pa54tu5eqrqsqqqqqpa74z2s
Elon no quiere Mordiscos en el pozo de los Cocodrilos 🐊 #nostr #zap #bitcoin #grownostr #plebstr nostr:nevent1qqsqfy6xn5mlmlg6d06h06hgcawzqawpd6ngr90tvxket28sfwtgmwsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsfnw64j8y3zesqlpz3qlf3lx6eutmu0cy6rluq96z0r4pa54tu5eqrqsqqqqqpa74z2s
I just bought the #Bitcoin dip at $93,584 adding +4.65% in my Bitcoin bag.
I just bought the #Bitcoin dip at $93,584 adding +4.65% in my Bitcoin bag.
As Bitcoin grows in value, you need less to do more. Embrace it, scarcity is the point. So it’s pretty *cool* that you *can continue to* get *more* and *more* #bitcoin for your fiat 🔥
As Bitcoin grows in value, you need less to do more. Embrace it, scarcity is the point. So it’s pretty *cool* that you *can continue to* get *more* and *more* #bitcoin for your fiat 🔥
My goal is to stay humble and stack 0.25 #bitcoin in 2025.
My goal is to stay humble and stack 0.25 #bitcoin in 2025.
⚡ 876949 ⚡ Chega me dar até um tensão de ver defensores do regime de boZZtilia Tentar cancelar 3oitao, ao mesmo tempo que defende a censura da web2 e por consequência sua morte hihiihihihihi 😁⚡🏴‍☠️🫶 Vamos comprar seus magnatas hihiihihihi #Bitcoin #Nostr nostr:nevent1qqs8qeutkvqzyxgq5kyg504ckkd4kya6mt9szf0x9gslktsj3wjyzlqpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3e82efwvdhk6tczyq5k9yq2r50mu35ntlq7qfw2syct8zedwp8m0e52g8p9nnjkhn4j6qcyqqqqqqgr53kx8
⚡ 876949 ⚡ Chega me dar até um tensão de ver defensores do regime de boZZtilia Tentar cancelar 3oitao, ao mesmo tempo que defende a censura da web2 e por consequência sua morte hihiihihihihi 😁⚡🏴‍☠️🫶 Vamos comprar seus magnatas hihiihihihi #Bitcoin #Nostr nostr:nevent1qqs8qeutkvqzyxgq5kyg504ckkd4kya6mt9szf0x9gslktsj3wjyzlqpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3e82efwvdhk6tczyq5k9yq2r50mu35ntlq7qfw2syct8zedwp8m0e52g8p9nnjkhn4j6qcyqqqqqqgr53kx8
Nobody has enough #bitcoin 🙂
Nobody has enough #bitcoin 🙂
⚡ 876949 ⚡ Falem mal ou falem bem, falem de mim Hihihiihihii Vamos comprar seus magnatas hiiihihihihihi Buy #Bitcoin nostr:nevent1qqsyhyphqzx0mflermsstfnn9gk2698lwfx4nq98w9h6hmezq5qjrwspr3mhxue69uhkgctkv5h8xapwvajhymtp9e5kutmwdaehguszyrx0tnkewdkeee9enz9l6cxxa6qujyjw4ugq89qhldxr9r58gkyuvqcyqqqqqqgksrswr

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