nostr relay proxy

I don’t understand the inkling of where that comes from
I honestly don’t have a problem with Trump and his backers selling their tokens. These are voluntary transactions in a free market. But I have a hard time understanding why people would buy them. #landscape #photography #photostr #Carolina #BlueRidge #SmokyMountains
40 million shitcoins! 21 million #Bitcoin! The choice is clear.
Let’s get this guy on here. Nostriches of Maine, activate!
Yeah the preface rambling before the real answer is annoying
9/10. I would leave out the honey next time
Exactly Fren 😊 #Nostr and #Bitcoin only
We had such a great active day yesterday. We hiked the snowy bush road to get down to one of my favourite places nearby, the Sand River loop. In the summer, because the river hooks back on itself so hard, you can put in with a floaty or an inner tube, float and swim for 40 minutes, and end up only 20 yards from where you started. In a good afternoon, you can do 2-3 runs of it, breaking in between to lay on the sand and cook stuff on a fire. While we are months away from being able to swim, a single snowmobile track had packed down a trail on the loop just enough that we were able to walk most of it without breaking through the snow every second step. It was heaven. #hikestr #outdoorlife
Been doing daily 18hr fasts for the past couple of months. Brutal!
Yes it’s fake. He has ones for Christians and Muslims.
Got this as a response after replying to someone explaining why Ross should be free. This is coming from Instagram btw. #freeross #asknostr #bitcoin
Got this as a response after replying to someone explaining why Ross should be free. This is coming from Instagram btw. #freeross #asknostr #bitcoin
1. politics, no matter what kind (democracy, dictatorships, monarchies, etc.) manages the money monopoly. 2. your purchasing power is decided and investments are made on the basis of the money monopoly. 3. politicians argue that you would not be able to buy the goods and services of your daily needs and basic supplies yourselves. 4. the political choice is only a choice about who spends your money for you and on what. #Bitcoin is the first money that works completely without regulation. It doesn't need politics. This is just an observation of the ACTUAL situation. The responses i get when i say this, however, show how little historical knowledge about money and politics really prevails and how much urge there still is for someone else to spend your earned money for you. Bitcoin gives you back your sovereignty over your purchasing power. 1. la politique, quelle qu'elle soit (démocratie, dictatures, monarchies, etc.) gère le monopole de l'argent. 2) C'est à partir de ce monopole monétaire que se décide votre pouvoir d'achat et que se font les investissements. 3. les politiques argumentent que vous n'êtes pas en mesure d'acheter vous-mêmes les biens & services de vos besoins quotidiens et de base. 4. le choix politique n'est qu'un choix sur qui dépense votre argent à votre place et pour quoi. Bitcoin est la première monnaie qui se passe totalement d'instance de régulation. Il n'a pas besoin de politique. Ceci n'est qu'une observation de la situation actuelle. Les réponses que j'obtiens montrent toutefois à quel point les connaissances historiques sur l'argent et la politique sont faibles et combien il y a toujours un besoin de voir quelqu'un d'autre dépenser l'argent que tu as gagné à ta place. Le bitcoin te rend ta souveraineté sur ton pouvoir d'achat.
gm turd burg
I am really starting to understand it’s not so much that people are actually stupid, but that they have been so thoroughly brainwashed and conditioned that the form of callowness in which they exist overrides all forms of thought so that the very idea of taking courageous action is fundamentally impossible. It’s quite sad really.
Absolutely correct Fren that's why I'm #Bitcoin only
And you. Are lady goals 😂🫂
everyone wants to be a rockstar, until it's time to be a rockstar
Zionism then

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