How #microstrategy would finance it's next #bitcoin buy -+- is a bigger question in main stream media than 600 billion dollar wipe off ..
How much has #MSTR spent on #bitcoin todate ? #askNostr
Clue - around 450,000 at an average cost of ~60 K
How #microstrategy would finance it's next #bitcoin buy -+- is a bigger question in main stream media than 600 billion dollar wipe off ..
How much has #MSTR spent on #bitcoin todate ? #askNostr
Clue - around 450,000 at an average cost of ~60 K
How #microstrategy would finance it's next #bitcoin buy -+- is a bigger question in main stream media than 600 billion dollar wipe off ..
How much has #MSTR spent on #bitcoin todate ? #askNostr
Clue - around 450,000 at an average cost of ~60 K