nostr relay proxy

⚡️🚀🧡 infographic-style image that briefly explains Bitcoin’s monetary policy. #Nostr #Bitcoin #btc ⚡️🚀🧡
-- #bitcoin #btc #satoshis #usd #usdollar #memestr
Far too organized. How could you explain all the news agencies giving us the same story slants all the time? Only organisation explains it. How can you explain how so many criminals (Epstein, Clinton, etc) don't get prosecuted? Organization and blackmail. It can't be explained just by every-day corruption or even similar people with similar views doing similar things.
gm day 2 in #prague was another day with the hacker community at #paralelnípolis #hcpp #traveltok
Nothing screws up your Friday like realizing it's Tuesday. -Kas585, Feb 2016
Today was tough. I almost passed out. 😂
Build, create, persist for any enterprise that makes the world better and people more happy, healthy… as long as into the #bitcoin layer only. Only #Bitcoin #Nostr #Fedimint can save us from the #Fiat mob! Go Mutiny Go 🙏
#Bitcoin #HODL #BTFD ✨
The bad guys have captured the Israeli government. But the bad guys have captured the American government too. And many individuals you mention either are the bad guys or are blackmailed by the bad guys. But there is no term for what is behind it. The alternative theory to most conspiracy theories is "parallel action".. that is, a bunch of people with similar alignment acting independently. But I reckon that can't explain all that we've seen.
like ma bell, i gots the ill communication.
Está online o novo serviço da BR⚡️LN chamado de SatsBack, conectando-se ao nosso node de monitoramento você consegue fazer roteamento diretamente com outros membros da comunidade Brasileira de Noderunners, com grandes exchanges e ainda receber o valor de taxas de volta. Venha para a BR⚡️LN e comece a ganhar satohis hoje mesmo! #bitcoin #cripto #rendimento #investimento #dinheiro #tecnologia #blockchain #grownostr #satoshi
Every time I see some people in #nostr zapping each other with the #zapathon tag
You should use and minibits
I hope you kindly do the same.
you could strip the $(date +%F-%H-%M) down to just $(date +%F) then.
Am I an anti-semite? Anti-American? Anti-Zionist? None of these labels apply to me. I am firmly against using one definition of a group of people (the label) and then assigning more properties to that label. It would be a statistical near impossibility for such to be accurate. Some Jews are evil. Some aren't. Some Americans are evil. Some aren't. Some Zionists are evil. Some aren't. If you are confused by that last one, my view is that "the river to the sea" ain't gonna happen for Palestine. No matter how wrong the initial act of displacement was, it can't be corrected at this stage without creating even more wrongs. Think about it: Should all the Americans go back to Europe and leave America to the natives? It ain't gonna happen. So I believe in a two-state solution. I think I'm going to use the label "the bad guys" or "the evildoers" now to talk about people that I think are bad and doing evil because the misunderstandings from smaller minds are prolific. Certain groups of power have been captured by the bad guys. The Israeli war cabinet, the US executive branch, the US CIA. The actions of these groups are more often than not distinctly evill. But even as that is true, even many people within these groups are not evil people. All those people on the other side insisting that "no Mike, it is the Jews" can please shut up now. That cannot be true when some Jews are Nazis even here on Nostr (you know who I am refrering to) and when Rabbis distance themselves from Zionism and Israel. Am I pro-Russian / anti-Ukrainian? No. I don't like evil, that's is all. I call it out where I see it. That includes Russia flattening entire villages. Some people in Russia making decisions are evil. I reckon that some people in Ukraine are evil toop. Evil does not justify more evil. The only solace I can take is that some evil people are killing some other evil people, which means less evil people in the end. I stand for keeping everybody alive, application of Justice, and a return to a normal world that isn't run by blackmail of violence followed by the carrying out that violence en masse. And if sometimes I say something wrong or even extremist sounding, I don't mean to. I just want the madness to end, just like many of you do. 🫂
Shadowy super coders in shambles

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