nostr relay proxy

Dis real fur, ser
Dis real fur, ser
Relays that received your delete request won't save rebroadcasted event
Relays that received your delete request won't save rebroadcasted event
Got to admit the establishment has done a really good job of breaking down the peasant class with toxic food, drugs, the destruction of family values, and cheap entertainment.
Got to admit the establishment has done a really good job of breaking down the peasant class with toxic food, drugs, the destruction of family values, and cheap entertainment.
yeah. i messaged you. thanks for taking the time. i don’t want to waste any more of it. 👍
yeah. i messaged you. thanks for taking the time. i don’t want to waste any more of it. 👍
yeah. i messaged you. thanks for taking the time. i don’t want to waste any more of it. 👍
What the hell is going on? Suddenly the note appeared out of nowhere. I didn’t change anything about my relay setup.
I don’t think we will see $10k #Bitcoin to be completely honest with you.
And when you get to the fact that BTC is just a chapter in a book đź“• Then life begins
I am trying to form an alliance with the Human Rights Foundation for a FreeFOSS Gender Equality program—it would be great to have as many well-wishers involved if the project goes from paper to practice.
Through remembering 12 words bitcoin is borderless money outside the physical world If properly secured bitcoin is the most secure form of money, the valuable least susceptible to theft and violence in human history, study #bitcoin nostr:note1mx5d85qq00eypp8flw488c3f26va6p5d2nugam32zvfcp5xwdytqed5rse
Now all your follow events would be scattered accross relays and as you change relays clients would fail to find older ones. Has it's own issues
Now all your follow events would be scattered accross relays and as you change relays clients would fail to find older ones. Has it's own issues
Thanks for offering that. There are actual organized hate groups against women in Bitcoin, bringing awareness to the underlying issues explaining the statistics is a great start:
I need a new pc so I can generate photos, videos, & create models to give back to everyone. Want to help me do that then send a zap please. I want to run comfyui locally & create tutorials on techniques with prompts for specific goals. Maybe one day I will I hope. #goal #newpc #generate #giveto #community #giveback #prompt #comfyui #gnostr #asknostr #gm #funding #support #pleb #dream #model #creator #Bitcoin #BTC #Nostr #Lightning #Zap #Zapathon #Zaps #Plebs #Plebchain #GrowNostr #Nostriches #Money⚡ #Zapatime #Happy #RideThe⚡ #Zapstr #Plebdrive #Zapdrive #zapchain #bitchain #boost #share #boosted #bitdrive $boost Come join us & chat it up with other nostriges on Simplex the only true anonymous messenger app you should be using!
Maybe I'm a slow learner but I want to study #Bitcoin forever.
$63,274.93 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱3,623,849.94 🟢 0.62% ≅ ₱22,269.28
Ya know what we're really fighting against? Its not fiat money. That's a symptom of the real disease. The real disease is fiat thinking. AKA nihilism. Its saying to yourself, "I can't" - and then you think up some reasons. Most people are nihilists, unfortunately. This is why a bunch of people voting on stuff seems to only turn nice ideas into garbage. What's the opposite of nihilism? Faith. What's that? Its the acceptance of the knowledge that things work. The application of faith can be called 'skill' or expertise or "know-how." Cuz stuff works. That's it. In the spiritual sense, you know that stuff works because you can see the bigger picture. Notice the word, "acceptance," above. Its not knowledge itself, its not belief, its not magic, and it's not horror or disgust or rebellion. You're not at war with the world, you're not at war with God, or science, or yourself. Now, unfortunately, this is more a matter of habit than decision. Seeing it and deciding is certainly one of the steps, but its not going to help unless you habitualize it. This is why cultivating a positive environment, free of mental thorns or pollutants (like swearing and envy) is so important - both for yourself and for anyone you are teaching or want to have a nice relationship with. This is why fiat world, or clown world, is so degrading. It lacks any kind of mechanism for self control. Nihilism is the main input, so its the main output too. Ritual can help, if you can preserve the meaning of it. Anything can be a ritual.. A walk can be purifying. Sorting your mail can be a daily ritual. Small actions combined with a mindfulness, sorting and clearing, accepting that things in the bigger picture will work. Stuff works. Its all copacetic, man. Or it can be. It is absolutely not a coincidence that so many of us found bitcoin at the same time that we found God. We need both for the same reason. In a world of nihilism, the fiat world, we needed hope. 'Hope' is the rescue rope thrown down into the pit of despair, and we grabbed it and climbed up into the light of day - faith. Nihilistic people won't understand this, and they'll say, "but you can have faith in anything!" No, you can't. Faith isn't belief. You can believe anything you want, at least for a while, but faith is knowing that stuff works. Don't trust ; verify. They, the fiat brains, don't trust themselves ; can't verify themselves. Anyways... Just giving myself a little pep talk. #bitcoin #faith #fiat #thinking #peptalk #hope #ritual #optimism #nihilism
Broken Money: Is a revealing book that serves as an essential guide for those wishing to explore the complex interactions between money, power, and society. The author delves into the roots of capitalism and clarifies how money, more than just a simple medium of exchange, acts as a powerful tool of influence over social and political structures. This book is exceptionally valuable for those not familiar with economics, simplifying technical terms and providing practical examples that demonstrate the impact of the economic system on various aspects of everyday life. Additionally, the work highlights the relevance of Bitcoin as an instrument of economic freedom, capable of offering alternatives to governmental monetary systems and corrupt practices, providing a decentralized and secure means of transaction. “Broken Money” not only educates but also provokes the reader to question and reconsider the validity of current financial norms. It is a crucial read for anyone seeking a deep understanding of the subtleties of our economic system and how it shapes our freedom and well-being. #BrokenMoney #EconomicsForEveryone #FinancialAwareness #BitcoinFreedom Broken Money: Um livro revelador que serve como um guia essencial para quem deseja explorar as complexas interações entre dinheiro, poder e sociedade. O autor aprofunda-se nas raízes do capitalismo e esclarece como o dinheiro, mais do que um simples meio de troca, atua como uma potente ferramenta de influência nas estruturas sociais e políticas. Este livro é excepcionalmente valioso para aqueles que não estão familiarizados com a economia, simplificando termos técnicos e oferecendo exemplos práticos que mostram o impacto do sistema econômico em vários aspectos da vida cotidiana. Adicionalmente, a obra destaca a relevância do Bitcoin como um instrumento de liberdade econômica, capaz de oferecer alternativas aos sistemas monetários governamentais e às práticas corruptas, proporcionando um meio de transação descentralizado e seguro. “Broken Money” não apenas instrui, mas também provoca o leitor a questionar e reconsiderar a validade das normas financeiras atuais. É uma leitura fundamental para quem busca uma compreensão profunda das sutilezas do nosso sistema econômico e de como ele molda nossa liberdade e bem-estar. #BrokenMoney #EconomiaParaTodos #ConsciênciaFinanceira #BitcoinFreedom #bitcoin #liberdade
It's going to most likely exist somewhere, but you can get things 99% deleted, which means you can't delete because people could always just rebroadcast the note again from the one place it exists. For the most part, that won't happen, unless you make bold claims that you can delete something. Then everyone will rebroadcast it 🤣

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