nostr relay proxy

GM PV Frens More of this. Other countries see it Think BRICS 2 weeks. #bitcoin Pain / 5th Gen warfair / Trump 2024 Nothing can stop what is coming. Q is connected to your bitcoin Pain is coming for the bankers. 5th Gen warfair Ghost in the machine. They never thought killory would lose Nov 5th they all do Treason = Death
متوسط سعر المنزل الجديد في أمريكا مقابل #البيتكوين #bitcoin : 2012 - 50,616 $BTC 2013 - 19,127 $BTC 2014 - 351 $BTC 2015 - 901 $BTC 2016 - 697 $BTC 2017 - 323 $BTC 2018 - 24 $BTC 2019 - 84 $BTC 2020 - 46 $BTC 2021 - 10 $BTC 2022 - 20 $BTC 2023 - 14 $BTC 2024 - 8 $BTC
Tysm. 🥰 That means a lot as someone that doesn't do this professionally.
あほみたいに聴き込んだのは JUDY AND MARY や YUKI もそうなんやけど、今頃ほあーとなるのは aiko の方が強め
👋 Good morning ☀️ #Nostr #Bitcoin 🧡💜
Disintegration 📷 2024 *never published before #photography #architecture #minimalism #artwork #artstr #photostr
Any charity left on #plebchain for help me achieve the 6k sats? 🙏🫡🤙 lnbc13370n1pns5hfqpp5lhp5yhnnvr0puyrqwjq7h2h24tpcgz5kd3tca4088wrnscy53jtqdqqcqzzsxqyz5vqsp5lyw75t3r9hun3px07sx3ntlw8wl28a9hhyp4l9kertjyp5zyug9s9p4gqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqysgqmypt22u8034l7gmxdf6pcwg8ypag3txzvan4v0dzhgyus344t2cxlrzg8due92tsgpm30mvdk2mqqpn6anjvhv83nne43zdfhmjym4cpq8xwu7 #bitcoin #nostr #zaps #zap #zapathon #btc #plebchain #lightning #coffee #freedom #money
Ok just checking! Enjoy yourselves!
EU Censorship: Government-Sponsored Reporting Centers In an alarming trend sweeping across the USA and Europe, the fundamental right to free speech is facing unprecedented challenges in the digital realm. Recent exposés, reminiscent of the Twitter Files, have shed light on what can only be described as a burgeoning "censorship bureaucracy" threatening to suffocate open discourse online. Under the guise of combating "hate speech" - a conveniently malleable term with no clear legal definition - governments and tech giants are colluding to expand their control over what citizens can say and see on the internet. This insidious partnership between state and corporate power should send chills down the spine of anyone who values liberty. One particularly troubling development is the emergence of government-sponsored "reporting centers" designed to flag and remove content deemed undesirable by the powers that be. These Orwellian institutions operate in a legal gray area, collecting and processing user data with questionable regard for privacy laws or due process. Make no mistake: this is not about protecting vulnerable groups or fostering civility. It's about control. By gradually narrowing the boundaries of acceptable speech, authoritarians aim to quash dissent and manipulate public opinion. Their endgame? A docile populace that doesn't dare question the official narrative. As lovers of freedom, we must vigilantly guard against these encroachments on our liberties. The internet has been a powerful tool for decentralizing information and challenging entrenched power structures. We cannot allow it to be transformed into a sanitized echo chamber for approved thoughts. It's time to take a stand. Support platforms that prioritize free speech, encrypt your communications, and never stop speaking truth to power. Ourl liberties hang in the balance. #FreeSpeech #DigitalLiberty #CensorshipResistance #InternetFreedom #BigTechTyranny #nostr #bitcoin
20代前半で aiko 聴きまくったのちしばらく遠ざかっていたんやけど、最近トレッドミルのお供にちらほら聴き直し、歌詞とかはーそういうことねみたいな今頃わかった顔しているので余計に。
Don't do shitconing 👊 #bitcoin #nostr #zaps #zap #zapathon #btc #plebchain #lightning #coffee #freedom #money
$63,178.54 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱3,615,707.79 🟢 0.35% ≅ ₱12,576.83
いちなかさんが沖縄の空気に絆されて aiko にどハマりしてるの趣深いな
Best luck to nostr:npub1hqaz3dlyuhfqhktqchawke39l92jj9nt30dsgh2zvd9z7dv3j3gqpkt56s in nostr Valley today ! nostr:nevent1qvzqqqpxquqzqx6sn4cu2fhyu5slxzjw37qh6r877ev5du02g3npqn4yc6y3h45q9fwq0q

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