nostr relay proxy

Authenticity is as scarce as #bitcoin itself. nostr:note10cuc43k49u4czsxyte9uwc33vmc4z9gr24hnlkkmcugz3wz3tvgstm4sy4
If enough people in the same area have the same speech impediment it becomes an accent -fibz, Feb 2016
That people are selling #Bitcoin because the fiat world is collapsing is something I'll never fully grasp.
Fiat money is backed by a politician’s promise. #Bitcoin does not need politicians.. 🧡 nostr:note1t7xntaazdr4c5u7qmeckrhp0kexw3xlxxu9dlqc4cwwxy5zgkfhqvqg2ap
Why not leave a sticker? 🧡 Free #bitcoin stickers here: nostr:npub18kpw3akvdsyk239lx0jgwksr74sq4nlha3r8u9g2rnrhztfpfhysy469c4 nostr:note19eh7kjduyvqng78shq5l297ju8qrdj0g9gknz53vm0tl48xyf0lsq344np
Why not leave a #bitcoin sticker? Free #bitcoin stickers here: nostr:npub18kpw3akvdsyk239lx0jgwksr74sq4nlha3r8u9g2rnrhztfpfhysy469c4
$61,663.46 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱3,465,086.01 🟢 0.38% ≅ ₱12,951.05
I am not messing with you. I don't think you care to know but there is plenty of documentation outside of the propanda of the time and what is taught in schools.
When people talk about Fiat vs people talk about #Bitcoin.
The Israeli terror organization is unmatched.
no - of course not.
Japan: The End Of The 'Hiking Cycle'? Japan's new PM is doubling down on the monetary merry-go-round, promising more easy money to "fight deflation." But let's call this what it really is - another sad chapter in the global farce of artificial GDP growth. During a recent press conference that could have been scripted decades ago, Ishiba demanded that the Bank of Japan continue its role as the nation's premier money printer. Key points of this economic theater include: 1. Ishiba's call for the central bank to maintain its ultra-loose monetary policy, a strategy that has worked wonders for Japan's stagnant economy over the last 30 years (insert eye roll here). 2. The PM's carefully worded non-commitment to specific monetary measures, hiding behind the facade of central bank independence. How convenient. 3. The announcement of yet another "stimulus package" - because the previous dozen or so worked so well, right? This economic band-aid will allegedly include handouts to low-income households, surely solving poverty once and for all. 4. A vague promise to "reduce the burden of rising prices" - presumably by printing more money, which definitely won't contribute to those rising prices. Nope, not at all. So far so good. While Japan fiddles with its yen printer, the rest of the world is busy with its own economic hallucination: the so-called "Green New Deal." This isn't about saving the planet, folks. It's about pumping up GDP numbers with monopoly money and feeding a new breed of parasite - the "green entrepreneur." These eco-preneurs are masters of the government handout, experts at filling their pockets with printed cash while producing nothing the average person actually wants or needs. They're like economic vampires, sucking the lifeblood from productive sectors and leaving a trail of useless solar panels and bird-chopping windmills in their wake. The economic fall of Germany as a consequence of this accelerated mal-allocation of capital is the most prominent example of this terrible comeback of state interventionism and rainbow socialism. What we need isn't more government "stimulus" or green fantasies. We need a free capital market to flush out these money-grubbing charlatans and force them to find real jobs. Imagine that - contributing to society instead of leeching off it! But don't hold your breath. As long as the money printers keep humming - from Tokyo to Washington - these green grifters will keep thriving. Welcome to the brave new world of state-sponsored eco-socialism, where the only thing that's truly green is the freshly printed cash (at least in the US). #MoneyPrinterGoBrr #climatescam #japan #grüne #ampel #wef #germany #eu #FreeMarket #Bitcoin @crossbordercapital
Bitcoin currently trading at: $61491 USD #Bitcoin #BTC #nostr
#memes #plebchain #nostr #plebs #bitcoin
The value of nostr is that you can sync your profile and relations from one app to another using your pubkey. What is missing is reliable, and fast, sync across different relays. So that your identity and data is secure, and never gets lost or overwritten, but the weakest relay or app in the list.
They don’t want to die. They just want others to die 😂
They don’t want to die. They just want others to die 😂
Would add... Very little in life is so urgent, you cannot think about what your very best response to something should be. It isn't your first thought, and it doesn't have to be. Don't be predictable. For everything more urgent, there are drills. GM sers and seresses... nostr:note12wl8uzvtqprj88jy2auttchvg940vq2y4cqggvu9nxtm6pyhplrsn6p49s
💯 gn
It’s a conscious effort to make history and not just watch from the sidelines. We’re all here because we saw something new and different and decided to make it work, instead of complaining that it would never work. That’s just how we roll. gn 🌙 pv 🤙
Whenever I encounter a 30 second video ad, I silently think "This is a big waste of my time", before spending 2 more hours watching meme compliations for the rest of the night -PM_ME_UR_A_CUP, Oct 2016
how the world wide web ate gopher.

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