nostr relay proxy

That's always the case.
You can be a Millionaire for about $600. #Bitcoin
I have literally less than zero faith that the left will turn on the govt, they've gone so ASTOUNDINGLY in the opposite direction that I cannot even begin to entertain that. Even the left leaning people in my personal life frighten me the degree of "do EVERYTHING the state says and if you don't you should be imprisoned" that they thoughtlessly and immediately adopted. The Trump supporters have completely lost the plot and miss *entirely* that everything that happened in 2020 was not only explicitly done under Trump, but that he has continuously endorsed and even BRAGGED about that shitshow. They won't admit the absurd failures that he has overseen because all they see is that he is some sort of hero because the MSM hates him, and that's apparently enough to exclaim that everything he does is perfect.
Study #bitcoin nostr:note1ctps5te0t6h7k3mh6lalj07h4vvlec9ktcpzhy6ymxu23rmx720qf3cur4
I'm more in the "none of it matters as much as they want us to think" boat.
Gotcha, I thought you were responding to my original post.
Wikipedia's incentive structure is so screwed. It was only natural that this happened.
The hormone response caused by foods is arguably more important than calories. This is why "eat less & move more" doesn't work for a lot of people.
Self-flagellation by Foundry.
I promise I will finish my plate?
Right wing boomers annoy me almost as much as psychotic lefties. Holding the opinion to save in dollars and put your money in a CD, AI being a demon, anti-innovation, being anti-#Bitcoin, and believing that #Trump is some savior and isn’t controlled by a war-loving billionaire class in the Middle East is just so aggravating to hear. Their accusations towards the left for being inept, classless, and void of any moral compass is absolutely a sound one, but it infuriates me when they behave just as retarded and cannot escape the mental bubble of the mindset that we refer to as the “boomer mindset.” But hey, go out and vote even harder this November for the next president of the United States of Ukraine — woah, what a strange typo — I meant Israel. WOAH, my goodness. United States of America*** perhaps I need a new phone due to this wonky keyboard! Happy voting, America.
Fork U. Episode 966 of Bitcoin And . . . is ON EVERY PODCAST APP!! The Bitcoin community understands traditional wealth is inaccessible to the masses. Bitcoin offers a path to alternative wealth, bypassing elitist control and money printing systems.
$60,583.39 / #bitcoin ≅ ₱3,414,222.40 🟢 0.35% ≅ ₱11,773.56
I didn’t i just had the thought 😅
well I'm not simping for Trump if you are implying that. Never have.
possibly, but i dont think Trump cares about that. He only cares about himself.
I dont' believe it, I simply think its more likely than 0%, which every other path and option is obviously 0%. I at least hope you admit (if only to yourself) that the dictator thing is total bullshit and also exactly why he has such great support. Because the media lies so heavily that it makes people defend him (something that even i have to do because the left is so insane). ------- Sure we can agree to disagree, but i don't know what we are disagreeing on unless it's that you don't care about Ross, as it's literally the single issue I posted about with the explicit exclusion of all other issues.
Bitcoin doesn’t need a middleman. That’s the power of decentralization. Who’s ready for the next wave? 🌊 #BitcoinFreedom #DecentralizedFinance #nostrasia #nature #art #photostr #GM #picturestr #btc #nostr #sats #zaps #bitcoin #AI
here we go again .gif
Yes you’d be surprised the amount of places around where I live that don’t have Apple Pay as well as some only accept cash Also you can’t use Apple Pay at Walmart as well as other big companies
This came up as I was scrolling, worth replying again to say: All crypto is including eth is a scam. By scam i mean someone's company, so someone or some group benefits more than the public and or it is alterable and corruptible. Bitcoin is proven over 15 years to be unalterable, nation state resistant freedom money. That is the important innovation. The important point is humans haven't had incorruptible, unconfiscatable money ever until bitcoin, thats why it's important and revolutionary. All crypto is a scam, Bitcoin only, study #bitcoin
a Chad like you should invest in a helicopter
all I care for are my immediate network (family+friends); everyone else can gfy 😂

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