nostr relay proxy

✨sames - everyone follow nostr:npub1h50pnxqw9jg7dhr906fvy4mze2yzawf895jhnc3p7qmljdugm6gsrurqev she’s amazing 😻 nostr:note1834f9qp9mud095qaq8n0pj2sh049fy6tvmnhxnwafl8w7wnwp08qvw8q6c
It's fucking insane that govt agencies which are getting in the way of relief efforts are also claiming they don't have enough money & are asking for donations when they are literally funded by tax payers to the tune of hundreds of billions per year.
Nice try, peer, but my node only accepts genuine blocks. #Bitcoin ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: prev block not found
Rescue your savings
Actual Wealth™️ Example #12 nostr:note1ec8ep764xhzy0fy2ypugnjjkfezl8mst8h346e2thdsx8jwefe8syf543g
Never give away your DNA. There is nothing more proprietary, more you, than your DNA. nostr:note1gktugfgt27xtz2vvewzkf2qq53pdqpnm5dk683x6j89fe84870fshgn784
➡️ #famas #bitcoin #nostrfr nostr:note1qztskqz4lypqrr2jw22dfuchg8gtjepq2wu9gwq0kdcllhmtdxrqnf3q47
Just don’t stand over it.
The green beans
Yes the United States is targetted by Israel. This is why so many people in the United States are pro-Israel. They spend massive amounts of money to keep America on their side, and I believe also probably have blackmail on a bunch of people (there is no way congress is entirely pro-Israel, somebody is surely being blackmailed). But interestingly, most other countries are not being targetted by Israel. You will see a very different perspective from the US/Israel perspective in many other countries. And the UN walkout when Bibi did his speech kinda shows how most of the world sees things very differently... those countries where Israel didn't spend the time and money to deceive.
Disregard this question. It was Rabbit. nostr:note1l4m3k78dmlhu4kq4h4rw5q2du7dzzycjdpzryrmc0nxgc86rtzvsualjk3
Ya’ll are the cutest!
It was Rabbit, I found it 😅
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The Maui Playbook.
Am I right … 🤣😅😭😭😭 #bitcoin #nostr #bitaxe
Opt out, study #bitcoin nostr:note13x4v6vl6yfv6cgzermr4evt5ljg5y6hfleqwmddj27ypjdyrc4ts6de2ve
This is valid point as well. However, I personally know people who are not (willing to?) understand #Bitcoin and issues it aims to solve. Personally, for me it looks like people used fiat too much and they are programmed to believe in it despite initial cryptocurrency idea being superior. Sure, implementation might not be ideal, but it constantly improves.
going zap only ⚡️
What was that #nostr web client with small text that’s pink? #asknostr
Data showing people with more muscle mass suffer less ill effects of micro plastics. Sauna is known to be a good detoxification method.
Time to throw the invaders out by force. nostr:note1va3mfletevge8ges7dupey88erlulqnh7dvnqtzzhrfmsrd2cfcqx0x02s
It’s more effort but so worthwhile! I’m a bit of a requote maxi now. Love the interactions that come from it! nostr:note1ult0zlfnmykqjryp6awusrvzgpacr8tu4jyyzkn77s8jlugd50kq40cspn
I used to believe in extending politeness to everyone. Covid broke me of that.

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