nostr relay proxy

I'd have just said HFSP and start drinking beer.
1st ever bitcoin postage stamp.... thoughts... #btc #bitcoin #stacking #mining #hodl #stack #satoshi #sats #asknostr
Not using PHP to serve, too broken, slow and insecure 😂😂😂
It's a trope at this point. Buy a shit ton, sell for 20% gain, do other shit for 6 years then look at what happened . . . "I KNOW THE GUY AND IT'S GOING TO ZERO. ZERO!!"
I am sure there are people out there to whom that really does apply. But SO often the stories have obvious flaws & the people telling them are clearly just full of shit.
There are still people today who are investing their entire life savings into bed bath and beyond stock and forming a weird cult around it
Dumpling class tonight #foodstr
Yes it’s a huge one. Sets the vibe.
Here you go, from the php master $clean_filename = preg_replace('/(\.\w+).*/', '$1', $filename);
Sometimes the cognitive dissonance of losing out on the opportunity of a lifetime is enough to get us to latch onto any and every excuse as to why it was still the right decision. Logic will not be what gets him to realize his mistake, because he needs 1/100th as good of an excuse not to believe it, in order to hold onto his own view of who he is. Sucks, but that guy will probably be one of the very last to accept it... or he may literally die an old man angry at how the new generations are all using that stupid digital money about to be killed by quantum computing.
Show us the list
GM! The array of broken URLs we see sent to us is damn high! …jpg& …jpg% …jpg# (who the fuck send # to the server?) …jpg/ (it’s not a fucking directory) 😂😂😂😭😭😭
No, but only because the pattern in the model is derived from HUGE amounts of training data. The normal back and forth of Q&A with the model is inference, or running it through the compressed patterns to transform it. But that specifically has no relationship to either compression or decompression, imo. The part that is “compression” is when you take a million images of a cat and train a model that can understand the “pattern” of a cat. Then later you can get it to recall it, but it can’t reproduce any EXACT cat picture, only the characteristics shared by many of them. In other words, the model has stored as extremely lossy compression of the concept of a cat, and translated your words describing one, into a pattern of pixels that *looks* like one.
I meet this guy a few times a year. Was super early and bought 1000s of bitcoins only to sell them after a few gainz. Knows that all crypto can be hacked, knows guys at the NSA who are satoshi. It’s always a cool story bro. Too bad they never keep any of those bitcoin, with them being super well informed and all… nostr:note1ucnkxskk6jyj32se6rfsd05706sd4cm0x0385lxnx32ckau84rhqs2nga2
Just a reminder that #playasia has the best (perhaps?) prices on #bitcoin purchases with their native bitcoin & #lightning payment method. #psn #nintendo #eshop #iTunes #playstation
Did you make the changes subconsciously or keeping the trip's experience in the back of your mind?
As if you didn’t need more confirmation on us being right about #bitcoin… Brownstone Institute published an excellent study worth reading on #inflation, #recession, and the #dollar. Worth your time.
I’m convinced some % of bitcoin adoption is attributable to psychedelics
If it costs more to remove an element from the ground and fashion it into a coin then the denomination is worthless and should be left in the ground Forget #fiat #bitcoin is the path
We already won. Much of war is taken up by counting the casualties! #bitcoin #nostr 🙃😉
We finished with the clinic's third doctor. Besides being incredibly photogenic, she had the most experience in work. #photostr #photography #artstr #plebchain
What have you bought in USD lately *in cash* where the amount at the second place past the decimal mattered at all? 1-9¢ is meaningless now that it cost more to manufacture the coins than the actual face value #bitcoin
Portraits for a doctor #photostr #photography #artstr #plebchain #photostr #photography #artstr #plebchain

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