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The more daunting aspect of this versus the fag parades we have now, is that it will be young men with real drive towards a regulated future. The youth are craving structure right now and I am sad to admit the adults are failing them, horrendously. Strongly disciplined male leaders need to be the models for our boys to act as a countermeasure for the insanity. All the pussy shit needs to be definitively rebuked, and a prosperous vision be reinstilled to boys. It is the only balance to the uncontrolled violence that looms on the sidelines with our unguided youth. In some areas it more than "looms", but it is not yet organized horror. It will become organized sooner or later. Enough with equality, niceness, and unearned titles. Back to the basics of hard work with a positive vision. Merit, hierarchy, and earned respect. Or, destruction.

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