nostr relay proxy

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i think they have got some pretty fancy scientists working for them but honestly, you know the conditions under which people work in high end military contracting companies, the lies and bullshit and outright inhumanity of these organisations, and you want me to believe that they got the most creative people finding these solutions no, i don't think so i think that they may have tapped a few people who did work and then tried to control them and they either ended up dead or stopped having the spark anymore there is no doubt that with sufficient data about solar input currently coming in and targeting specific regions of the ionosphere to open a hole by superheating it and causing the ozone to disperse that they can stimulate ingress of electrons and cosmic waves and whatnot that will assuredly alter the weather in some small way but the more energy we are talking about the less conceivable it is that they even have a single site that has enough generation power to push that much energy with the expected dispersion losses of the microwaves from resistance and other factors that they can make a storm this big, all of a sudden? no, maybe they tamper with them to try and nudge them around a bit but i doubt they can target them with any great precision and i doubt they can change the overall vector of motion of such large storm systems they simply don't anyway care if they are fully successful in achieving an objective no matter how many lives are ruined in the process and i simply don't believe that this kind of mindset leads to the kind of creativity that leads to genuine breakthroughs like i always say, all they have is what you can have, on a 1000+x scale they don't have tech that hasn't gott marketability already in the high end of the price range you can make faster processors, by testing more of them and using wafers that have been selected out of a more expensive process of analysis but you can't make a machine that thinks like a human can and not only that, don't forget, first thing you are gonna do as a high tech military project is try to intimidate and exaggerate your capabilities far beyond reality fact is that almost nobody can verify it and such claims are basically useless information that is clearly projecting an image of something to fool you

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