nostr relay proxy

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I’ve seen so many trainers give up on dogs because they want the easy training dog, the one they don’t have to put the work in with. But sometimes, the one you have to put the most work into is the best one. We accept #bitcoin #grownostr ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #belgianmalinois #belgianmalinoislife #belgianmalinoisofig #belgianmalinoisofinstagram #belgianmalinoispuppy #belgianmalinoispups #belgianmalinoisworld #belgiummalinois #dogoftheday #k9 #k9dogs #maligator #malinois #malinoislovers #malinoispuppy #malinoisworld #petsofinstagram #policedog #policek9 #protectiondog #protectiondogs #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppygram #puppylife #puppylove #workingdogmagazine #workingdogs #workingdogsofig

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