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GA The irony of Israel's actions, given the Jewish people's tragic history during the Holocaust, raises profound moral questions. There are several complex factors that contribute to why Israel's leaders, policies, and actions might appear so cruel, despite their historical experience with genocide. 1. **Trauma and Survivalism**: The Holocaust deeply scarred the Jewish people, creating a national psyche centered on survival at all costs. Many Israeli leaders, shaped by this historical trauma, justify aggressive policies toward Palestinians as necessary for protecting Israel’s security. They often frame military actions as pre-emptive defense against existential threats, given the history of anti-Semitism and attacks from neighboring countries【13†source】. 2. **Zionist Ideology**: The founding of Israel was driven by Zionist ideology, which sought a Jewish homeland as a refuge from persecution. However, this movement also included the displacement of Palestinians. Today, expansionist policies, such as settlement building, reflect this same belief in the necessity of a Jewish-majority state, sometimes leading to actions that are viewed as colonial or discriminatory【14†source】. 3. **Normalization of Military Occupation**: Decades of conflict have normalized a state of perpetual militarization in Israeli society. Occupation of the West Bank and military campaigns in Gaza are seen by many Israeli leaders as standard responses to resistance, leading to dehumanization of Palestinians. Prolonged exposure to conflict has dulled empathy for the suffering on the other side, even among a population that historically experienced severe oppression. 4. **Political Power and Nationalism**: Political leaders, like Benjamin Netanyahu, have often used fear of external threats to rally domestic support. This fosters hardline, nationalist policies. Fear of terrorism from groups like Hamas is exploited to justify harsh actions against Palestinians, which are framed as necessary for maintaining Jewish sovereignty【14†source】. While Israel’s history should, in theory, instill a deep empathy for oppressed peoples, the enduring conflict, political interests, and survivalist mindset have instead fostered policies that many consider cruel and oppressive. Computer said #bitcoin #nostr #anarchyⒶ #history #authoritarianism #freepalestine

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