Honestly.. now the fuck did someone so clever - SATOSHI Nakamoto figure out what BTC is.. 16 years and it’s been running smoother than the US banking system.
The rabbit hole is DEEP - beware should you dip your toes in it! Like Andreas did for however long and lost all that weight studying BTC - I can relate to that…
When you realize how we get fucked everyday of our lives you cannot unsee it..
The parasites (governments) - they are terriost organizations dressed up as the good guys - I have the same amount of trust as the cartels have with DEA agents..
All governments do around the world is print money , steal from you INFLATION and if you late on your tax returns they fine you.. but the FED hasn’t ever ever been audited and the parasites don’t want it - useless bunch. Rant over! Fuck them!