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#New #York #yorkers I told you to protest & do something before it was put in place. Not once throughout 2024 did I hear protest of price congestion, citizens go to mayors office in outrage, or anyone go to the state senate office demanding this be stopped. Now aside from businesses doing price congestion which is to change the price of everything by the hour of day. The city has now adopted it & put it into effect almost everything now has a "congestion fee" which remember is a flat fee which goes straight to the city of New York. Please share, boost & quote to spread awareness! Look at this bullshit commerical ad! Cleaner air, more money for the city how about we stop giving other fucking countries 6 trillion dollars that will help the city so will if they want cleaner air to put that 6 trillion into a clean air program. The only thing this commercial didn't lie about was reducing traffic yeah because now people are gunna be broke trying to go to the city or leaving it. The domino effect is now anyone outside of Manhattan in the other boroughs will pay a flat fee to go to Manhattan, all car fares will raise prices so they don't have to lose money out of pocket for paying the flat fee which price varies on vehicle yeah big wheels pay more. The best medical care is in Manhattan people outside of it will have to pay more to get to a good doctor believe me outside of Manhattan the doctors really suck. All this does is prevent low class & poorer citizens from being able to leave their borough & enter Manhattan where they can receive the best medical treatment. This is what happen when nobody cares to do anything because you're all stuck in I just want to go to work & come home my kids are hungry & i'm tired. Your overworked like a slave so your unmotivated to do anything else & you just stau home. Thats exactly where the governmemt wants you so they can get away with shit like this while you're sitting there going it is what it is. When will it bother you enough to want to organize a rally with other New Yorkers & protest? I'm handicap right now my best is to spread the word here & once I get enough people who want to organize we will plan a meeting place. This is disgusting it's basically extortion to pay other countries more money this flat fee is going to isreal another 6 trillion dollars out the country haven't you thought i've been taxed enough? #standup #protest #against #price #congestion #congesting #senate #governor #mayor #NYC #effect #2025 #stop #extortion #money #citizens #pedestrian #awareness #aware #Bitcoin #BTC #Nostr #Lightning #Zap #Zapathon #Zaps #Plebs #Plebchain #GrowNostr #Nostriches #Money⚡ #Zapatime #Happy #RideThe⚡ #Zapstr #Plebdrive #Zapdrive #zapchain #bitchain #boost #share #boosted #bitdrive $boost Come join us & chat it up with other nostriges on Simplex the only true anonymous messenger app you should be using!

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