I do not think you are becoming patronizing nor a troll...nor am I trying to troll you! 😉
I think this is a good , valid, and valuable conversation.
I appreciate your explanation and clarifications.
One thing you state which I'm not sure I'm fully grasping is:
"Implying value from a quantity measure is not the best, but that was all we ever had before #bitcoin."
Is this not what most people are still doing with #bitcoin itself? Many claim it's price (fiat exchange rate) will go up and up "forever" due to it's fixed supply (limited quantity).
You do follow up with "Since I state that[;] all value should be measured in the hardest, purest value-containing asset ever known to man (#bitcoin)".
Thus perhaps we have no other choice than to value based upon quantity??
Is there another way to value goods, services, medium of exchange, proof of work, etc...that I'm not aware of?
P.S. Again, thanks for engaging!