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For those who still battle the idea of contributing to your 401K due to the match instead of selling every dollar for #bitcoin, here is a reminder. If you can’t use YOUR money when you want to, IT ISN’T YOURS. Fuck 59 and a half, and all of their rules and penalties. Why would you give them the power to penalize you for your use of YOUR savings? Why would you let them tell you when or how to use YOUR savings? Just like with all things fiat, the "match" is the little carrot they put in front of you to lead you down a path they control. They tell you a flashy story about how capital gains are tax-free, and you play the game with them by being happy about it. If that weren't enough, they categorize your savings as income whenever you withdraw them, and they tax you AGAIN on those dollars (putting to question whether the match cancels out at the end of the day). Don't feed into the current system. Stop using state-sponsored instruments like 401Ks and IRAs. GM

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