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Yes the conspiracy theories have proven true. Israel has fully infiltrated and controls the US government. It fully inflitrated and demolished Hezbollah leadership. They are sneaky little buggers. But more and more countries are seeing the truth of this, and more and more are aligning against Israel. Russia is taking action. Saudi Arabia is defending Iran by refusing to allow attacks from their soil. Attacks from the resistance are making a difference in Israel but they have a media blackout to hide this. Their bonds have fallen to (or are about to) fall to junk status. Their economy is in the toilet. Many countries refuse to export to them, and many that still do can't get goods in because of the Houthis. I think we are on the edge of a major historic transition. I think the plan to rule the world, to make a single world government with absolute power, is collapsing all around them. And to be clear... it is not the Jews. It is not the Zionists (that just means people who want a state of Israel to exist). It is not the deep state or the blob. It is a group of powerful individuals that remain nameless and behind the scenes, that happen to use Israel and the USA and happen to include a lot of Jewish people. But we can call it zog for short.

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