nostr relay proxy

event page

🐋 A whale moved his Bitcoins! 🔗 Transaction ID: 697e6ffda11bdafb51f602b25f49d372f148388b9e9c75cd7b0d2461b4b111fe 💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 3.16336571 BTC 💰 Inputs: Input 1: 0 BTC from Coinbase (Miners' piggy bank) 📤 Outputs: Output 1: 0.00000546 BTC to bc1p8k4v4xuz55dv49svzjg43qjxq2whur7ync9tm0xgl5t4wjl9ca9snxgmlt Output 2: 3.16336025 BTC to bc1qwzrryqr3ja8w7hnja2spmkgfdcgvqwp5swz4af4ngsjecfz0w0pqud7k38 Output 3: 0 BTC to Mystery address 🔮 Output 4: 0 BTC to Mystery address 🔮 #bitcoin #crypto #wallet

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