I waited about 30 minutes for the light to get interesting. Winter sunsets have a unique vibe - a certain softness and depth to the light that feels distinct this time of year.
It got me thinking about how light appears differently depending on your perspective. This isn’t just true for physical light - its colors or iridescence - but also in understanding light as both a wave and a particle, something that profoundly influences your body.
They say the eye is the window to the soul. Light passes through that window, carrying all information that shapes your perception of the external world. Colors evoke specific feelings - calmness, tension, joy. That emotional resonance is tied to the information light emits.
What interests me most is how light affects not only emotions but also the body on a metabolic level. Photography has brought me to this realization. Years of appreciating light and color have made me question its deeper significance:
What is it about light and color that draws me to photography?
Why do I enjoy the photographs I create?
What am I really chasing in my pursuit of better color work and a personal style?
Curiosity leads to better questions, and photography has taught me to observe light in new ways.
#photography #grownostr