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Excision of cancerous tissue won't remove the conditions that allowed it to form in the first place. Permanent healing requires starving it of the sugars of fiat, instead feeding the body real nutrients made from quality ingredients acquired by doing the work. The terrain theory of health teaches us that true healthcare begins by controlling all inputs, cultivating exchange of nutrients from without and waste removal from within. Parasites, viruses, and unhealthy bacteria, as well as cancers, are all best prevented by creating an inhospitable host body. Stagnation, congestion, and overconsumption, without concern for quality or quantity of inputs create conditions that allow pathogens to thrive. While fasting, movement, sunlight, and oxygen help remove and disinfect tissues. As with our internal economies, "garbage in and not enough garbage out leads to systemic failure". Fiat is the equivalent to highly processed white sugar, as addictive and destructive as cocaine, stimulating the pleasure centers without providing any real value. Staying humble, living simple, stacking sats by providing real value doing useful work is how we heal our internal and external energy economies. Stagnation and congestion are the enemies, best fought off through continuous movement, of our bowels and our cultivated stack of sats. The sats must flow, so we don't get fat as life energy flows through us, directed towards life cultivating work provided to and by our peers.

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