nostr relay proxy

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Awesome! It's well researched, and wll written. There's a lot of things that are not in the book. And I wish it had not become mythologized about block size, more about fork and control. Some of the major battles took place on the mailing. There were off-list emails that were critical, perhaps I'll fish them out one day, but I think no one really cares. I managed to help talk down Eric Voorhees though some number crunching, and in the end he listened to reason, and to his wallet, as the futures market indicated they would make a big loss. Danger was averted, then Roger Ver and co., who would not listen to reason, saw his chance to pounce, and "flip" bitcoin. It may have worked if he had not been so incompetent, then bitcoin would have had a chain death as the minority chain. 1-2 people joining him would have created a "flippening". It was a remarkable and unlikely victory for open source, against billions of dollars in VCs and millions of users. The community really banded together. A first in history.

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