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The time for marching in the streets, chanting for change, and demanding justice has passed. The systems that hold the power, the same ones we protest against, have perfected the art of ignoring us. They don’t care about our voices, our pain, or our struggles. They’ve already won that game, rigged it to make sure we lose every time. We scream, they pretend to listen, then carry on with business as usual. It's time to stop playing their game. #Bitcoin is the exit. The peaceful revolution that’s already happening, but no one with power wants you to know about it. It’s the currency they can’t print into oblivion, the store of value they can’t control, the network they can’t censor or shut down. When we switch to Bitcoin, we pull the plug on the system that enslaves us. We refuse to be part of the endless inflation that erodes our hard-earned money, the corrupt financial institutions that profit from our debt, and the endless wars funded by fiat currencies. Bitcoin is for the faithful. It’s not for those looking to cut corners or get rich quick. It’s for those who believe in a fairer, more just world—one where the rules can’t be changed on a whim. You want to make a real impact? You want to stand up for what’s right? You don’t need to protest anymore. You don’t need permission. You just switch. To all the dreamers, the fighters, the believers—you’ve been lied to. The powers that be want you to think you’re powerless. But with Bitcoin, the power returns to your hands. This is not just about money. This is about truth. It’s about rejecting the lies, the corruption, the theft that happens every day through the fiat system. Bitcoin is peace. Bitcoin is truth. The future isn’t written in protest signs or petitions. It’s written in code. Bitcoin is the language of freedom.

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