Oh, I understand it's not simple believe me. Most people probably don't want to hear what I have to say and as a Christian, I try to hold me tongue but fail miserable quite often LOL.
Thank you for such a good reply.
It truly is a mess. I agree there are no ends of immoral laws and I'm not sure I even want to look through the eyes of the snake ... mmm I mean state. (lol)
I try to KISS often (keep it simple stupid) in my like, my understanding in life are in Christ, thank you God I can do just that!
I believe it is such a pile of crap, they just have to shovel most of it out and process what comes back in by method or by common sense but the trouble with this is I don't even believe the new administration are true to their words either. I believe they are the same crap but other side of the street (a different gang if you will) but all just as immoral and deceitful (maybe more so) and we are just rats running and scurrying about wherever we are most comfortable.
The Bible lays this all out quite nicely. Truth is, It's not ever gonna get better for some and for others it will not until Jesus comes back and exactly what does He do in His appointed time?
He takes up those that obey, believe and love Him and puts them in a safe place to protect them and then destroys the rest and builds a new Heaven and a new earth for those that chose to obey and believe and love Him.
People need to come to a realization we are eternal beings and eternity is real. Heaven AND Hell are both real. This is more a spiritual world than it is physical. And like it or not, we have a perfect Father who actually created us and loves us but lets us make our own mind up to love His (accept Him) or not (reject Him).
This world will NEVER be fixed or perfect or really any better or worse than it is right now and always has been. There is nothing new under the sun. Everyone has but one choice before taking their last breath.
My suggestion to everyone these days is to read your Bible over and over again.
Take care and God bless!