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yeah, this all lines up with the hermetic texts as well, and also points towards the idea that the gnostic from of christianity is more correct (much like zen, in so many ways too) i probably need to finish up reading Jasher and Genesis and then put Hermetika next to it and meditate, because i think there could well be a symbology deep through it i just can't buy the timeline that is expressed in it, because of the lack of geological evidence backing that timeline (ie, the great flood only 4500 years ago) because while carbon dating is bullshit, the aging of rocks is not, and there is tons of very strong corroborating evidence about the ages of rocks and the signs of cold and warm climate periods and whatnot, and the nearest dating for the great flood is literally 12000 years ago and this also lines up with the idea that the sun has a micronova about on this cycle in recent times because of a relatively recently discovered magnetic oscillation that has been detected and a model is now building up about this this is the narrative presented in Yajnavalkya also, and it also bases part of this on several other points though i think it is wrong in that it asserts that the great flood was caused by meteors, but the "great dragon" of a low atmosphere very large impactor causing the desertification of the Sahara does seem reasonable, and doubly so when it also coincides with the ending of a cold period (changing albedo altering the climate due to baking the ground) and the coincidence of old american indian stories about the impact and the formation of a massive lake in the crater i'm of the opinion that the full story is still to be determined, but we are getting a lot closer to it and in any case, this "great transformation" and the "end times" are actually at hand, because the magnetic fields are changing and probably a lot of aurora photos are gonna show up in the next day or two to confirm that a pissy small sun-burp is yet again causing a massive charging of the upper atmosphere with electrons causing the argon and neon to light up

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