nostr relay proxy

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We seem to have some weird hangover from the last bull market and ftx. Yes I know price isn't everything. Yes we should have class and grace in winning. But also be bullish and fun! Some of us get so uptight about price talk. Wake up. This is exciting, this is fun, people need this to get them out of the more they are in. Be a winner. It's attractive, it's good. nostr:nevent1qqs9vqds846yw8g7k502awcutl4vawlqsz747l2qq9sque4sghrn20spzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgtczyzdqugzr474q26sjhza7w7kycvv9cr3tc34392kptp5fz3pj8s8rcqcyqqqqqqgz7mcjp

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