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you should research whether carnivores claim their diet cures IBS - if so, you should give it a try i don't recommend carnivore for weight loss because there are much better ways to lose weight but it does seem to cure certain conditions for some individuals ... that's because animal matter is generally more biocompatible with our body than plant and less likely to trigger any sort of auto-immune issues of which many conditions are different manifestations ... just think of things people are allergic to - peanuts, pollen etc. - these are mainly all plants. nobody is allergic to eggs, steak or bacon. a lot of weird conditions are food allergies in disguise. carnivore doesn't have to be high protein. some sausage is mostly fat. egg yolks mostly fat. bacon fried in butter etc. just make sure to supplement with Vitamin C. i would also caution that your microbiome ( gut bacteria ) will need time to adjust to zero fiber diet and your liver may need time to adjust to high-fat diet ( as fat cannot be suspended in water based blood directly - it must be processed by the liver ). so maybe the it's better to gradually phase out plants in favor of animal foods, rather than go cold turkey. carnivores recommend trying their diet for 30 days. if in 30 days your issue doesn't seem to be resolving - quit.

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