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The Conversation. a play in one act ================= "do you think this one thing is going to happen? i saw a movie one time and that thing happened. Do you think that thing might happen?" um... well, that was a movie. it didnt actually happen. "well yeah i know but i mean its not far fetched. i mean the scenario was very realistic." that's part of good fictional story telling. making the scenario somewhat believable. but its still a completely made up story. "well not completely. it had this one real thing in it, and this other real thing. so dont you think the other part could happen? let me see if i follow... because it had two real things in it to give credibility to the completely made up story, the other thing has a greater chance of happening than not happening? "no! i just mean, ive heard other people saying the one thing could happen. and the movie showed how it might happen, so i think it could happen." im getting that. "so you dont think it could happen?" no. "why not?" because it is a completely fictional scenario created for entertainment, that has no greater chance of happening than not happening. "i dont understand that." ok.

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