{"id":"a2aff3c776a20bd2af416d537c1e929ce42f3198f49c0058f977e27a9e859db2","sig":"1fe27a6df84298569c72408ae5c3ad3fe5401c64229a918c79d6a7ff66dff2af23321a3d0909d88ad003915d847442a74c07f2960dea154362be15fcfc8628e3","kind":1,"tags":[["t","prepping"],["t","Survivalism"],["t","survivalism"],["t","preparedness"],["t","grownostr"]],"pubkey":"8a1cd17786cf8230348f935bd1d77aac8cb3e537871b9f3667ca482366d85613","content":"VOTE FOR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY\n\nIn the lead up to the US election I thought I'd do a little series of Every Day Carry (EDC) notes.\n\nFollowing the format of the basic survival needs and 5C's of survival, starting with:\n\n0. You: As in Permaculture, with Zone 0 being your house and Zone 1 being outside that, your person is the first thing you need sorted out. Thus covers your personal mindset and health \n\n1. Water: what you have and how you carry it.\n\n2. Food: what you have, knowledge and skill to feed yourself. \n\n3. Energy: usually thus would be fire, but today we also need electricity for many things.\n\n4. Shelter: how you protect yourself from the elements.\n\n5. Health: Sanitation and medicines.\n\n6. Safety: defence, knowledge, skills, mindset.\n\n#prepping #Survivalism #preparedness #grownostr","created_at":1730403221}