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👍 A father told his daughter, "Congrats on your graduation. A while back, I bought you some Bitcoin, and I want you to have it now." Before I give it to you, I want you to check its value. Go to the local bank and see what they'll offer for it." The girl came back and said, "They offered me $5,000. They said it's unstable, risky, and they'd prefer cash." The father said, "Okay, now take it to a currency exchange service." She returned and said, "They offered $3,000, claiming it's too volatile, and they don't trust crypto at all." Then the father said, "Now, take it to an online cryptocurrency exchange and see what they say." She did as instructed and came back excited: "They valued the Bitcoin at $100,000! They said its scarcity and potential make it incredibly valuable." The father smiled. "I wanted to teach you something important. Bitcoin, like many groundbreaking innovations, is misunderstood by those who don’t see its potential. In the past, people doubted electricity, calling it dangerous and unnecessary. They doubted the internet, thinking it was a fad that no one would use. There were even skeptics who believed cars would never replace horses, or that airlines were too risky to succeed. They dismissed computers as complex toys with no real future. But look at what happened. The very things they doubted became essential parts of everyday life. Bitcoin is no different. To some, it’s worthless because they don’t understand it or its future. But in the right hands—those who grasp its potential—it’s worth far more. Just like electricity revolutionized the world, and the internet changed how we connect, Bitcoin has the power to reshape finance." He paused and then added, "The lesson here is simple: value depends on who understands it. Don’t let those who don’t see your worth diminish it. Like the skeptics of the past, they’re often blind to the future. Surround yourself with those who see your potential and believe in your worth." The moral: Pioneering ideas and people are often dismissed by those stuck in old ways of thinking. Whether it’s Bitcoin, innovation, or your own potential—don’t let skeptics define your value. Like a diamond or a rare technology, your worth is determined by the right people in the right place. #Nostr #Bitcoin BTC $BOOST zap ⚡️ share and comment to see how many people here on nostr we reach #HODL ⚡️🚀🧡💜👍🫡

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