nostr relay proxy

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I think clients have to decide who they are designing for and how they want their user experience to be. There will be room for different types of relay handling. Some will have people hunting around and typing in addresses and some will do this automatically. I think if you want your client to appeal to the masses, it has to be all automated away where you don’t even need to consider what relays are. I know bitcoiners don’t like that proof of work and all - and that’s fine but we have to look past our biases and identify how people act and choose (hint: people want easy). But again, this depend on what type of user you’d like to serve. It’s not a one fits all approach.
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The origin of the meme: nostr:note19lhd8nzpx4q6940awnqldt06pafnfes4sq3evzpmptynj65ankrqy7jqak
are you using a nostr client that supports deterministic builds? or verifying the relays you connect to? I mean same goes for every single piece of software we run. unless you build it yourself and verify the hash you are placing trust somewhere. dunno why exactly Simplex should be more sus
Don’t tempt me! If you want it, we’ll do it. CBOR.
Ah, Niel Young? He's a commie Canadian.
Who is this?
Morning hike. It's good to be back in Pennsylvania.
Ha, I’m not a big fan either tbh.
Just listened back because this episode was full of brain activity. nostr:npub1utx00neqgqln72j22kej3ux7803c2k986henvvha4thuwfkper4s7r50e8 crushed it. nostr:note1qs04tzyqgyv7sux4s09xcuj4sj4zt2hj3xqamucyu3e29s0mj84shncrjn
Also clients. There are three different NIPS for DMs.
Makes total sense
GM☕️☀️ Did an unplanned 24 hour fast yesterday. Since I’m fat-adapted it was very easy. No stomach growling or hangriness at any point in the day. Hunger at most was a 4/10. I remembered back when I was a carb consumer how hungry I would be in the morning and how badly my stomach would growl just 5 or 6 hours after breakfast. I was a different organism back then.
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ti do la mia opinione su Bitcoin opinione non richiesta, ma fa niente non è per deboli di cuore va ! tutto il mondo dovrebbe oggi iniziare a risparmiare in Bitcoin perché ? semplicemente perché tra 5 anni con 100 euro comprerai meno di quello che compri oggi con gli stessi 100 euro dato di fatto ti parlo di risparmiare in una moneta forte. ci saranno sempre meno Bitcoin ci saranno sempre più euro ci sono rischi? si 2 il primo la bce taglia la spesa pubblica europea riduce il superfluo anche nel piu piccolo dei paesini europei e non emette piu moneta quindi l'euro si apprezza, bitcoin si deprezza il secondo "la gente" perde interesse in bitcoin, il fomo di converte in fade... svanisce nel dimenticatoio come un diskette 5 1/4 con un giochino va a zero se questo succede, vuol dire che la mia opinione su bitcoin è errata ma se non succede e vuoi sapere di più su #bitcoin #privacy #cybersecurity follow sulla pagina ⇝ gratis like sulla pagina ⇝ gratis condividi il post ⇝ gratis altrimenti resti fuori e ti può costare ⇝ caro
Can Vouch 🤣 nostr:note1zsek9l3kwvyqh05faeeqlxfvhpzamgl08a0vn292t0gpqlwy6u2qwkmch7
⚡️”Who would have thought that the solution to money was simply to remove people.” - Terence Michael on #Bitcoin 🌞Every day I get to research people I’m going to interview only to learn more about Bitcoin in the process. 🙏I am grateful to every person I interview. Thanks you!
⚡️”Who would have thought that the solution to money was simply to remove people.” - Terence Michael on #Bitcoin 🌞Every day I get to research people I’m going to interview only to learn more about Bitcoin in the process. 🙏I am grateful to every person I interview. Thanks you!
The fact that we have McDonald's in Wal-Mart and Starbucks in Target says a a lot about the demographics. -solisu, Oct 2015
holy shit.. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
If you've noticed the view counter in the bottom right corner is gone. Supposedly it was a security risk each view pings a server allowing owners to track what post your exactly looking at in real time at this very moment. Can the friendly developers & code junkies of this open society come together to purpose a NIP- that will fix the issue. I just want to know the number of how many people saw the note. #viewcounter #gone #nip #purposal #asknostr #nostr #devs #opensource #issue #implementation #counter #views #statistic #coding #code #Bitcoin #BTC #Nostr #Lightning #Zap #Zapathon #Zaps #Plebs #Plebchain #GrowNostr #Nostriches #Money⚡ #Zapatime #Happy #RideThe⚡ #Zapstr #Plebdrive #Zapdrive #zapchain #bitchain #boost #share #boosted #bitdrive $boost Come join us & chat it up with other nostriges on Simplex the only true anonymous messenger app you should be using!

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